Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Dont stop those kids coming!

Some girls in our community get BAD ideas from the world. I heard that some of them want to NOT have nice big families. Thats the devils idea. They just want to stay cute looking and not have lots of work to do. But I just KNOW our men love us more when we give them more spirits to reign over.

Im praying Pratt and me'll bring some choice spirits to earth together. Im only 50 and Mother had children till she was 58, so its OK for Pratt to spend lots of time with me to make that happen. We always try to put the gospel first in our lives, and all us sisterwives agree with how important it is to have big families. Its a fun competition to see who can have the most!

1 comment:

  1. Only fifty? I think you use that as an excuse for sex! Pratt--- look around and see all the signs that this woman is wearing the pants in your family! Your not the head-your only being played!


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