Saturday, October 31, 2009


Dont have to much time to write today. Last night was REAL exciting! We had a fire!!!!! LiaHona was over at Harmonees trailer when they smelled smoke! First they thought one of the kidsd left popcorn in the microwave, but then some of Harmonees kids came in and said LiaHonas trailer was on fire!. By the time they called around and got some of the guys to come with buckets and hoses it was all over! The whole thing went up in smoke!!

LiaHonas REAL upset cos she lost all her stuff but what I say is she should count her blessings! Pratt couldve been inside!!!!! What happened was one of the little kids was playing with matches and lit a candle in the kids room and left it burning next to some curtains. We found out cos a couple of the little kids saw him do it.

Its going to be REAL hard to put up LiaHona and her kids somewhere. Pratt doesnt have money for a new trailer. I thought she could move in with LaBlessing in her trailer, cos she doesnt have to many kids, but all the other gals said itd be WAY to squished cos LiaHonas got 11 kids and with LaBlessings 8 that would be 21 people (not counting the nights Pratt sleeps over). So when I said where else could she live, Harmonee said the only place with room was my home!

Of course, I would say yes in a HEARTBEAT. Thats what family United Orders all about. We share EVERYTHING! I love LiaHona and her kids to bits but Ive only got three spare rooms (and I use one for crafts) and my girl Serenity Fawn comes and stays with her kids, so where would they go then? Harmonee said its WAY more important for LiaHona and her kids to have somewhere to live, than for my kids to visit. So I said its not up to you - Pratts going to decide. (I was thinking hed like to keep my home just the way it is cos he comes over to get away from all the kids noise.)

Anyway, got to go cos were having another meeting about where LiaHonas going to live. Pratts head of the homes so he'll decide - not Harmonee. Talk to you soon


  1. Well now I been thinking and praying on this all morning, I'm thinking if it is ok with your prophet, I really should come and visit and see if I could fit in with your family. I've worked all my adult days and saved up lots of money, what with not having to spend it on kids and stuff, I could sell my house and then Pratt would have the money for more trailers.

    What do you think, will you ask?

  2. You make me sick! You are so selfish. To hell with your crafts. You think more of them than you do some kid? You daughter isn't there all the time. You have 3 SPARE bedrooms with no one in them but your crafts and yet you want the poor girl to stay in another crowded trailor just so you can have your damn crafts and pratt all to yourself.
    All because you don't want to share with them, but you sure don't mind sharing pratt.
    Remember ol girl those children she has is Pratts flesh and blood. They are a part of him and he is a part of them. How could you only think of yourself and your crafts when Pratt's precious children will be the one to suffer. If you really love pratt you would love his children because they are half him. You would do all your could to help them out instead of putting them into a crowded house.

  3. Sweet little HoneyDawn or what ever your name is- You need a life! One that goes past your husband! Pratt could have been in the fire!!!! HA that's the only thing you think of. You act like he is the most valuable thing on the planet! What about all the kids! How sad would that have been if one of the kids was in there? I have news for you--you call yourself a sweet person and yet all I read are stories of manipulation and B.S. Be sweet you say...Do you think that is all it takes to be a good wife? Do you honestly think that your doing your family a service by sharing these horrendous stories that people mock and make fun of. Being an FLDS woman I am astonished at your ability to manipulate people--mostly your husband. Shame on Pratt for not having a spine and standing up to you and putting you in your place. This blog is a disgrace before God-If it's legit-- and I'm sure you will burn in Hell for it!(that is not the Celestial kingdom in case you didn't know) BTW your grammar DOES stink! If you are going to have someone proof read you should get someone who knows because obviously Pratt doesn't know what he is doing! Idiot! "cos?" If your going to use slang it's "cuz" and it's folks not folk

  4. I'm soooo happy to see your comment Jerico. I was beginning to wonder if it was really ok for FLDS women to be so dumb!


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