Friday, October 23, 2009

Polygamy is TRUE!!!

Hi everybody. Hope you all had a great day! I did. Pratts back from hunting and he shot some big bucks for our food store. He says I can make something cute from the horns. If anybody has a cute idea for what to make, let me know and I'll post the best one.

Nobody said anything about fasting but I got a real long comment about what I write and what everybody else says about it. I'm going to put it right hear in my blog for you all to read without doing any clicking stuff..

"Quite a number of people posting to this blog seem to feel very strongly that the writer's intent is to give polygamists a bad name. I have carefully read all the entries to date and am wondering what it is exactly, that HoneyDawn has written that is actually incorrect? I was a member of a polygamist group for a large part of my life, and have personal experience of many of the things she writes about. I saw many women overwhelmed with large numbers of children. Accidents did happen because there was a chaotic environment on occasion because of the huge ratio of children to adults. There was jealousy. Husbands did play favorites sometimes - they are human beings after all! African Americans were discriminated against because of the doctrines taught by the early leaders of the LDS church, which Fundamentalist Mormons still believe in. As for the attitude towards guns - that is one that reflects a large proportion of the population of the USA, particularly in the western states. Distrust of government is also not a purely polygamist issue, although of course since polygamy is illegal, some fear of officialdom is inevitable.

The only real dishonesty I find is HoneyDawn's self deception. She is trying to convince herself that she loves the system and is happy in it. I know, because I tried to do the same thing for many years. Pretending to be happy brings approval from all the powers that be. What HoneyDawn really needs is an exclusive relationship with a loving and devoted man who is willing to be a fully invested father and husband - not someone you see only on occasion and who has very little time for you or your children. What kind of relationship is that? Get out while you can. (I have a hunch that you may have already!)"

She uses a HEAP of long words! She seems real nice but is SHE MISTAKEN about polygamy! What I say to her is DONT GIVE UP ON POLYGAMY!!!!!!!! I bet you were in the wrong group and didnt have a cute husband like Pratt. Remember what I said before! Its better to have part of a GOOD man than ALL of a BAD man!!! You just got to find the write man and the write group!! Ill pray for you.

Im looking forward to tomorrow. Pratts taking all us gals to DI shopping. I LOVE DI! Its got the BESt clothes for the BEST mony. Ill tell you if I get anything great.

Have an AWESOME weekend and dont forget to go to meeting on Sunday!

1 comment:

  1. How big are the antlers? Can you post pics? Thats really exciting!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!