Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Babylon Clothes Temptations and flirting!

I was planning on writing more stuff about getting married but we had something REAL bad happening last night and Im REAL upset!!!

I dont remember if I was telling you my sister sisterwife Sariah drives the van in the morning and takes all the gals to work. Its cheaper that way and we dont need so many veicles. (Im the only one with a car cos Pratt got one for me cos I dont have bunches of kids to take around. He's still making payments cos its new - Pratts so sweet to me)

Anyways, Celestial Rainbow was the last dropped off, and Sariah says bye, and drives away. Shes up the road aways when shes noticing shes out of gas, so she turns round and drives back to the gas station right next to the place where Celestial Rainbows working. When she gets there she pulls up to the pump and is just getting out of the van when she sees Celestial Rainbow coming out of the ladies room at the side of the gas station. Only its not looking like Celestial Rainbow at all! Shes wearing heels and a red skirt up to her knees! Saraiah cant beleive her eyes and cant say a thing and doesnt know what to be doing, so she fills up with gas and then goes into the market where Celestial Rainbows working.

Saraiah didnt want Celestial Rainbow seeing her, so she hides behind a pile of cereal boxes and is looking out and shes seeing Celestial Rainbow talking to this guy, only now her coats off and shes wearing short sleeves!! AND shes laughing and joking with this young guy at the checkouts- he doesnt look more than twenty!

Saraiahs not knowing WHAT to do, so she just snuck out and came home and then came straight over to me. I said we were needing to tell Pratt about it as soon as he gets home - he was with Celestial Rainbow last night anyways, so we decided to go over there as soon as we were seeing Pratts truck outside.

We were real upset all day about it, and Sariah was having to pick up all the gals later in the day so I told her not to say anything to Celestial Rainbow or any of the other gals till Pratt was told.

It was pretty late when Pratt got home, but we went straight over to the trailer as soon as we saw him going in. Celestial Rainbow opened the door and looked kinda surprised to see us, but shes wearing her long dress and looking like she should! Pratt saw us at the door and told us to come in, then he asked us why we were there cos he was just about to eat supper. Saraiah took a deep breath and told Pratt what she saw. Celestial Rainbow went all red and then she started crying. When Pratt asked if it was true she said she just wanted to look cute, and she was sick of looking like an old lady cos she was still young! I was SHOCKED to hear that. I think we look cute and feminine the way were dressing (even if Celestial Rainbow doesnt wear enough bows)

Pratt said hed handle it and tell us all about it today some time and what he was going to do. I said I was happy to stay and help out but then Celestial Rainbow starts whailing, so Pratt says its OK. So then I started crying as I was going out the door so Pratt came out and gave me a big hug and comforted me for a while. Then he walked me home and came in for a spell, cos he could see I was real upset. It was hard to stop crying so he stayed till it was quite late! I TOLD him he should be with Celestial Rainbow, but he said I have a WAY sweet and sensitive sole.

Im WAY disappointed in Celestial Rainbow, specially after her saying shes GLAD to be in the true group!!! She should be knowing better, her being a polygamy wife!  I dont know what Pratts doing about it, but he needs to put his foot down and act like head of the home. He shouldnt let the wives be running things. (Im calling him up today and giving him ideas about it.) Pratt always says Im a real comfort and hes WAY glad hes got a wife like me to be a good example. Pratt is AWESOME. Celestial Rainbow needs to be grateful for her heavenly marriage, and not be flirting with young guys at work. Pratts older than her but hes WAY good looking.

Saraiahs going over to Celestial Rainbows trailer while shes out at work today to look for gentile fashions in her closet, just to make sure shes not hiding anything. Im helping her.

Thanks for all the nice letters folks. Ive been reading over them to comfort my sole. I never thought folk out in the world could be nice to polygamists like me. (Thats not what the bretheren are saying about you) Maybe your being nice on account of you reading the truth nearly every day, cos I noticed those gals reading most days are REAL nice and thoughtful - must be the spirit working on them) Ill probally get back to questions tomorrow. Dont worry about me - trials are REAL important to make us get to the celestial kingdom! Ill tell you what Pratts deciding about Celestial Rainbow to.


  1. Speaking of clothes, I saw a pic of Warren looking real hip in a T-shirt and cargo shorts, I'm surprised all the FLDS men don't dress that way - the T-shirts are comfy in hot weather and cargo shorts are so handy with all their extra pockets.

  2. Honey Dawn,
    Despite what you have been told by the brethren, there are some nice Gentiles out there.
    I am one of them.
    Just ignore the ignorant and nasty Gentiles who criticize you.
    They are jealous that they don't have a righteous husband like Pratt, and wonderful sister wives like Harmonee.
    Keep Sweet now !

  3. Chatelaine your WAY sweet and Im thinking your RIGHT about them being jealous! Pratt is AWESOME and WAY righteous, and they want sisterwives to!

  4. Hi Anon E Mouse, welcome to my blog! Ill be talking some about warrens clothes tomorrow.

  5. Duane or Duaneh or whoever you are, Pratt dumped your letter. He says if you write filth like that again he'll block you.

  6. Honey Dawn don't let duane's letter get you down or offended, he can't help himself because he's so prejudiced, narrow minded, hatemonger, molestation defender and want-to-be FLDSer. It's really not a reflection on you or Pratt that he wants to aid and abet sexual assault felons, even after their verdicts and convictions are given.

  7. Sorry about duane Honey dawn. Yes he can be crazy like bill mudvecky guy and they are both gentiles with little understanding of life.

    That bill guy even went to prison for some crazy thing he did, like stealing files about a case or something. duane and him hang out and I think they all take drugs.

    That is the pain some of the gentiles go through!

  8. Duane is an inappropriate Gentile, and on behalf of all Gentile people, please accept my apologies.

  9. JamInn and Stamp, Im real disappointed in Annonymous Duane/Duaneh. I was thinking he wanted to be in polygamy to, and Pratt says after reading his letter, itd be for all the wrong reasons. Pratt says to be brave about it. I think we ALL need to be praying for Duane
    PS Im SHOCKED about the drugs!

  10. Thanks Chatelaine your a kind gentile.

  11. Honey Dawn,
    What did Duane the troubled Gentile say about drugs ???

  12. AAAAH, I see it didn't take long for duane to show his true self. If he's been kicked from here, then he's running our of places he can spew his stupidity. He has some real problems!


  13. Chatelaine, Duane wasnt saying anything about drugs. Stamp was saying about Duane hanging out with a mudvecky guy and taking drugs maybe. Pratt wouldnt say about Duanes letter it was to bad!

  14. duane has had a troubled childhood and I dont want to repeat it here.

    Lets just say, neither he nor Bill would ever be accepted into the principle.

    They may have secret wives, or part time or short time wives, which is why duane is so concerned I think.

    He is afraid if Texas cracks down he might get caught too, but his playing around is all lust and no religion in it which has led him down a bad road.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!