This is probally going to be just short today. Ive got my cooking class for our girls and Im WAY behind with Pratts little red book. So Ill just be answering a coupla small questions.
Demoiselle's book of mormon archeologey questions pretty easy. First off we need to be having FAITH, and if theres all this proof, then we're NOT having faith. So, not MUCH proof is WAY good for us!!!
Next, in the BOM it says there was a heap of bad weather and stuff one time, and all the land got turned upside down, and WAY big cities fell into big holes in the ground (kinda like that end of the world movie I saw about whats going to be happening in 2012) so theres BUNCHES of archeologey evidense, except its all WAY down underground so nobody can be seeing it!
THIRD, theres still some evidense left over. Remember the folk in the bible who were doing construction in egypt? The king gave them a job building the pyramids. When they got finished all there kids knew all about building pyramids, and when there grandchildren and Lehi in the BOM sailed to south America, they put them up there to! Thats pretty GOOD evidense for me!
My friend Melissa from Australia was asking about wife quorums. Some folk say a guys got to get THREE wives to get into the CK. Other guys say TWO wives is still PLURAL, so TWO IS ok. The guys who say THREE, say some bishop guy got a dream about needing THREE wives or you dont make it to the celestial kingdom, but the two wife guys say theres nothing in the scriptures about it.
Another thing about three. One of the bretheren says threes better than two, cos when youve got three or more, the wives never really know where the guy is and that makes it better for the guy.
Then theres FIVE wives - nobody knows much about it, but FIVE makes you REAL important and god is noticing you more, or something.
SEVEN is WAY important! If your wanting to be President (of the priesthood, not the USA) you ought to get at least seven women. Pratts got seven so he COULD be President one day maybe? (Pratts really got eight - his first wife left, but Pratt had a forever marriage with her so she cant get away, she still belongs to him.)
So thats those questions done. Hope your seeing the truth more every day!
Im worried about Pratt. Hes WAY tired all the time. He fell asleep when I was talking last time he was with me! We need to be praying for him to be getting more energy so he can fill his calling being a husband. He looked BAD when he got back from Celestial Rainbows trailer the other day!! Shes young and I guess shes not giving him the right food. I need to talk to her about it, and maybe give her some wholesome recipes. Ill go over next time Pratts with her and talk to them both about it.
Got to go - have an AWESOME day!
PS I LOVE my friends saying they know this is a TRUE blog.
PS AGAIN Sweet Potato and some more friends were asking some questions. Give me a while and Ill get to them.
Thanks for clarifying about archeological evidence and the LDS faith. I understand now.
ReplyDeleteCould you also explain the key features of each of the fundamentalist LDS sects, so that I can better understand them.
Thank you Honey Dawn for this informative blog.
yeah honeydawn, Pratt having 7 of you sis wifes must keep him really busy. I personally have enuff with only 1. But hey, if he can handle 7 wives, more power to him. One thing about polygamy, some people have a morbid fear of being alone. Living in a large household, lots of sis wives and a loving hubby, children who have many siblings the same age as them to grow up with and share their little kiddie secrets. =, I guess that is why so many people I knew who grew up in polygamist households have fond memories of their childhoods. I sometimes wish I grew up in a polygamist household with heaps of brothers and sisters to play with.
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous, December 2, 2009 9:38 PM Your SO right its AMAZING being in a humongus poly family!!!! Nobody can IMAGINE even, what its like till you live in it!!!
but with all those children, did each of you think you got enough attention ?