Monday, February 15, 2010

Back from Lava Hot Springs - new trials!!!

I'm back evrybody! I bet you all missed me! Lava Hot Springs was AWESOME! Pratts AWESOME! I was feeling way better till I got home and found evrybody was real mad. Pratt doesnt know what all the fuss is about - he says we didnt get back late on purpose!!!! I need to be telling you what happened. We had a wonderful time at the Springs and it did me good to be there. All my headaches and stomache pains went away!! I just KNEW that was going to happen! Pratt LOVED the modest swim suits. Saturday night at the cabin was great - Pratt brought logs and we had a big fire - it was WAY romantic! We planned on getting up and driving back real early yesterday for the famly valentine pot luck lunch. Trouble was, we went to bed real late, and there was a problam with the alarm clock not going off, and the cabins in trees so its real dark, and then theres thick drapes, so we didnt wake up till late - only I didnt know it cus I read the clock wrong - it mustve been upside down, so I didnt tell Pratt to get up and I spent a real long time praying. By the time Pratt did get up and we realised the time, it was REAL late, and he couldnt call and tell anybody cus he forgot his phone charger. We got back at 3 in the afternoon. By then evrybody went home. LiaHona and her kids were there waiting and there were valentine decorations but none of the food cus evrybody took it home with them. They mightve left us some lunch!! LiaHona didnt say much but she said evrybody waited for 2 hours before they went home and someve the kids were crying cus they were looking forward to seeing there Papa and having a party. (They left there valentines cards for there Papa with LiaHona.) Well, its not MY fault! They need to have a sweeter attitude. Things just happen sometimes and its nobodies fault!



  1. It is a trial sent to all to learn to control there feelings when things go wrong like they did for your trip

  2. Right, Anonymous 3:24. Of course, the men don't have to learn to control THEIR feelings of jealousy or lonliness by sharing their wives with other men, do they?

    If it was really a "trial" sent to make participants better people, then there would be REAL polygamy -- multiple male partners as well as female partners.

    No, this is just religiously justified slavery and subjugation of women and children. You are only fooling yourself.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!