Now for the blacks. The bretheren dont say much about this question in meeting. They talk about it when there not in meeting. I guess they think it could make problems for them. But its OK to write in my blog cos nobody knows what group we are.
I did brown and yellow folk yesterday and today we're doing the black ones. These are the folk you DONT give the priesthood and DONT do any marrying with cos thats REAL serious. Pratt says the LDS Mormons were believing this to, till there prophet got a revelation back in 1978. Folk were being real MEAN to them and they were saying NO WAY! when Brigham Youngs University was wanting to play basketball and football with them. (Basketball and footballs WAY important to BYU specially when there playing the University of Utah) They didnt need to be mean to the LDS Mormons cos they quite liked black people. One of there prophets said nice stuff once -
"I would not want you to believe that we bear any animosity toward the Negro. 'Darkies' are wonderful people, and they have their place in our church."- Joseph Fielding Smith, Look magazine, October 22, 1963, page 79So anyway, folk STILL got mad, so in the end the LDS said OK, OK, we got a NEW revelation and now the black folk are just like us!!! That stopped folk being mean and now its OK for playing basketball with BYU.
WE stick with Brigham Young and the early bretheren about blacks cos OUR prophet DIDNT get a revelation and we dont have a basketball team to worry about.
We're not saying black folkre bad - its just in the pre existance they kinda sided with Satan for a spell and then they changed there minds and came over to gods side. Cos of that they didnt get born white and when Cain killed his brother, Cain turned black, so all those folk in the pre-existance came through Cain. Brigham said -
You see some classes of the human family that are black, uncouth, un-comely, disagreeable and low in their habits, wild, and seemingly deprived of nearly all the blessings of the intelligence that is generally bestowed upon mankind. The first man that committed the odious crime of killing one of his brethren will be cursed the longest of any one of the children of Adam. Cain slew his brother... and the Lord put a mark upon him, which is the flat nose and black skin.. - Journal of Discourses 7:290-291 (October 9, 1859)
We need to stick with our own folk cos we dont want to be getting cursed to! Its WAY bad to marry them cos the prophet Brigham Young said
Shall I tell you the law of God in regard to the African race? If the white man who belongs to the chosen seed mixes his blood with the seed of Cain, the penalty, under the law of God, is death on the spot. This will always be so. - Journal of Discoursesvol.10 p. 110: (March 8, 1863)Right now theres no killing about it, but maybe when the priesthoods ruling the earth there will be again?? If your great great great grandpa even, married one, then you dont get the priesthood. Thats why we get patriartical blessings so we know if we're chosen or not and we know who we're marrying.
Before I forget. If the black folk do everything they should, then they CAN get to the celestial kingdom and be servants there, so thats OK for them.
We had a big talk last night with all us gals and Pratt about all this stuff and Pratt says we gals need to be making sure the kids know. Even if there not out in the world now, one day theyll be getting jobs and so they need to keep with there own.
When we were talking about brown people Harmonee suddenly says SHE thinks red indian skin is pretty cool! She says we look like a bunch of maggots in the winter and she didnt think theres any thing delightsome about it!!! Then Celestial Rainbow says she likes getting tan to, cos she thinks it looks cute! I was REAL shocked to hear it and Pratt didnt like it much. He told us the prophet Joseph Musser got REAL white when he got old - his skin was looking like snow, and thats a sign of being righteous! Harmonee NEVER stops when she gets going, so she went - some of the guys say Joseph Musser was real ANEEMIC!!! Then she shut up (thank goodness!)
So then Pratt gets real serious and asks LiaHona to say her testimony about black people. LiaHona looks like a deer in the headlights cos shes not expecting it, but Harmonee gives her a dig in the ribs, so she gets going. It was real good she didnt say dumb stuff and start laughing. She said she guessed it had to be true cos the bretheren said, but she didnt like the name she heard somebody call that Martin King guy, cos she thinks we need to be loving everybody and that names not loving. For once Harmonee didnt get LiaHona off laughing again, she just put her arm around LiaHona and looked serious like Pratt was doing, so I guess she was glad about the teachings of the priesthood to.
I guess it was an OK testimony but I think LiaHona couldve been saying more about the blessings of being white.
I got a headache writing all this - Im sure mentally challenged today!