Went to a DARLING baby shower yesterday. Chastitees going to be blessed with her thirteenth. AWESOME!!! We all welcome these sweet spirits to earth and it would be just too TERRIBLE if they had to go into a family out in the world where they didn’t have the TRUTH! Thats why we have as many kids as we can. And it builds up our husbands kingdom too in heaven, so he has lots of family to rule over. What a wonderful blessing it is for everyone.
I'm not being mean but Chastitees house looked kind of messy - you think she would of cleaned up for the shower. Its’ SO important for us girls to make our homes a heaven on earth for our wonderful men. How can you expect your Priesthood Head to spend time with you if everything doesnt look perfect and you don't look cute for him?! I ALWAYS teach that to the young girls when I can.
She's got 12 kids and is going to have another!? and you are critisizg her? Wow. You claim to love her, but get off your high horse a minute and help her out. You have no idea how big a load that is to carry. You recently have complained about having a sisterwife in your house and the mess they make. KIDS DO THAT. I have six and this last time it was so taxing on my health I could hardly keep up myself. HOW DARE you be so criticle when you have no idea what it is like to be in her shoes. Maybe you should have thought a little before you went and went a little early to help her. I'm sure she was stessed and doesn't like other's pointing out the areas she has such a hard time keeping up in.