Someone out there with a WAY cute name I never heard before sent me a question. Here it is -
Anonymous said...
You don't like Lavera going to college. Are you saying girls shouldn't be educated? If you are that's a really old-fashioned idea!
I TOTALLY think girls should get schooling!! NO WAY they should be dumb! But DONT send your kids out into the world and let the government teach them LIES! You need to teach them YOURSELF!
Thats why we Home School ALL our kids in our family. The girls learn early how to tend their brothers and sisters (Real important when you might need to go to work yourself) They cook and clean too. (I teach them wholesome cooking - that way the mothers dont have to cook all the time) We teach them everything they need to be good mothers and wives because thats WAY more important than some of the stuff their teaching in the Public Schools.
Well, that answers your question Anonymous. Kepp asking and Ill keep answering!
Dang! More of those DUMB ads! They know I said to women DONT cut your hair and now I get ads for Laser hair removal!!!!! I want some cute scrapbooking supplies ads and wholesome recipes. Does somebody know how I can get them?
Did you say teach them lies yourself? You said it not me! Maybe you should have done some book learning instead of all those nasty cooking lessons. There is nothing wrong with a woman learning things that are beyond babysitting and cooking. Jane Austin-who you look like even would agree. You are the kind of person that would have loathed Jane Austin and now you say you like her? I have 6 children and plan on having more and I think it is wonderful to learn about all things! God even tells us to learn all things that are good!