Thursday, October 29, 2009

Friends in the World.

I feel WAY blessed today! First off, Im getting new friends writing me and Im hoping they all know what a heavenly way this is to live! A lot of folk hate our guts so its nice when some folk understand us. The bretheren want our friends to be inside the work, not to make friends with folk out in the World, but these gals sound like they know a lot of the truth already already and one gal is REAL interested in living polygamy , so that makes it OK. (some groups dont even let FAMILY talk to each other when there in a different group!!)

One gal called SweetPotato (I guess thats her nickname cos of her great pies-Im a great cook too!!) never got a chance for being married out in the world. That is SO SAD!!! But maybe its good none of those men out there wanted her. Maybe she was being saved for a GOOD man in the work!! Maybe it was a real blessing that your not the cutest of gals - what does that matter for a guy with the Spirit?? Remember what I said before in my OCTOMOM post? Pratt would of been ready to marry that sweet gal and give her a good husband. He would of LOVED to add her kids to his kingdom!! I dont know if the prophet would let you come visit. Probably the best thing is to pray for him to get a revelation. If he does Ill let you know right away!

Itd be way fun if you tried the Compatability Gadget on my page. Its on the left somewhere - just put in SweetPotato and Pratt, and see what it says!

Jurlene, that is SWEET to say how lucky my sisterwives are I love them so much. You are SO right! Im WAY glad you can tell that! I try my best every day to let them know it. Not every family is blessed like us!!

Merrianne. Pratt is head of our home. I do thinking for myself, but what HE says is the law. Whatd happen if ALL us gals wanted to be equal with him??? Itd be a MESS!! If you keep reading youll probably understand better.

Got to go cos weve got a family dinner tonight and family council. Its pot luck and Im making my favorite green jello salad. (the recipes on one of my posts)

See you tomorrow!


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I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!