From what Ive been hearing from letters, it seems like some groups send guys away and marry the gals to someone else to test the guys. Im REAL glad our group doesn't do that!!! Most times if a guy is bad the bretheren tell the gal shes GOT to stay with him and keep her covenants, and if the guy leaves , then most times she goes to the guy in the bretheren whose been counseling with her. It sounds like Merianne should pray to find the write group!
I pray every day for Harmonee and for LiaHona to. I love them cos there my sisterwives but its WAY easy to stray off the path. Harmonee REALLY bothers me. I told you her folks came in from the world. Thats good , but kids who didnt grow up in the truth can be a BIG problem, so nobody trusts converting folk. Theyd rather marry the old families. New families get the wrong idea about stuff. Trouble is a lot of of folkre related to a lot of other folk so they HAVE to look at the new ones even if they dont want them much.
I beat Harmonee to the mailbox yesterday (all our family share one) and I saw Harmonee AND LiaHona were getting magazines from Babylon!! I think Harmonee gives LiaHona bad ideas cos LiaHona grew up in the truth and she knows better! I was just looking through the pics in the magazines when LiaHona comes up to the mailbox and grabs them from me! RUDE! I was going to show them to Pratt so he could do some preaching about whats right, but I DID see enough to tell him. The women in the pics had painted faces instead of being naturally feminine like me AND there clothes werent appropriate at ALL!! It makes me WAY sad to see this stuff around our family. What can I do to help them see they need to stop trading with Babylon???
I was thinking - itd be good if someone came up with a polygamy magazine. Especially for the girls getting ready for marriage. we could name it "Poly Pre Teen". Itd have crafts, wholesome recipes and pics of feminine and appropriate clothes, poems, hair styles, testifying from the bretheren, and a question page. Im going to ask Pratt what he thinks.
Guess what???? I got paid 37 cents for people clicking on my ads!!!! I need at least a dollar for the tea lights for my deer horn chandeleer, so keep on clicking!
I had me some preteen daughters, they would of liked your magazine idea. They got tooken away from me when I got caugt reading magazine and had to repent from afar and now theire married and live in Texas.
ReplyDeleteYour sisterwives are so lucky you are thier freind!
Your friend,
Jurlene Jessop Jeffs Jeffs Jessop