Sunday, October 18, 2009


We're back! I bet you missed me - right? Dont worry Ive got BUNCHES of stuff to write and tell you about the trip. I probably wont write it all today. But FIRST I need to tell you what happened before we left!!!

I would of been mad as heck if I didnt have a peacemaking spirit! When Harmonee and LiaHona got back with the food, THEY DIDNT HAVE THE STUFF I SAID TO GET!!! They ignored my list!! They bought stuff like marshmallows and hotdogs and store bought cookies and chips and all that junk!!!! Can you BELIEVE it????!!!!!I asked them what the heck they thought they were doing and they said their kids dont like the food I cook! FER IGNERNT! They dont know what good food IS cos there moms feed them TRASH!

I dont want Pratt to think I want people to eat this stuff! He would of thought I chose it, so I HAD to let him know what happened.

I think Harmonees still jealous of me and LiaHonas just as bad siding with her! I still keep praying for them.

Ill tell you about that and the rest of the trip tomorrow, cos Im WAY busy cos I have to answer some questions. Ive been getting comments from some folk. GREAT! Keep them coming! Somebody said I ought answer in the blog, not in the comments place. So hereS the questions and answers -

One gal asked about black people in our church.

Jericho wrote -

What I am asking, What if a black man from another state started studying your religion and decided he would like to join your church and move into your community. Would your prophet allow him to marry the any of the eligible white sisters that belong to your church?
Or what if it was a black woman? Aside from personal preferences, would the church allow a brother, lets say, Pratt for example to marry the black sister?

She asked if Pratt would marry one. I didnt ask him but I know he only likes blond blue eyed gals so I guess not. He says he only likes Aryan gals, (I looked that up cos Pratt was to busy to explain and it means NOBEL or SPIRITUAL - for CUTE!!!)

The bretheren dont say much in meeting about black folk probably cos there arent any around here. Pratt says it got the LDS church (Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints - Mormons) into a HEAP of trouble, so they had to let black people hold the priesthood and go to the temple and marry white folk and EVERYTHING. The bretheren say we should marry only our own kind of folk, cos thats what god wants for us. I dont think black people should join our church cos then they couldnt find anyone to marry and thatd be WAY sad.

One thing to make black folk happy. In the Book of Mormon it says that one day the Red Indians will be "white and delightsome" (well, it DID say that in the OLD Book of Mormons, then the LDS church changed it) SO-- one day black peopl'll have cute white skin too! Isnt that GREAT. (Not sure if theyll get blue eyes to - probably will.)

Thanks for the GREAT questions Jericho (GREAT bible name) You did say about shaving legs to. It really helps to wear LONG cute dresses like I do.

Last comment was from Annonymous again (not sure if thats a GIRL or BOY name???-

do not think that withholding a night from "Harmonee" was a loving or sweet thing for your husband to do or for you to be excited about. Your husband is also asking you to keep secrets from your sister wives by treating you to expensive dinners and asking you to keep it to yourself. This man is acting in a childish and dangerous way in order to maintain peace in a house. I think you should look at the root of his actions for his values and ethical standpoints on this. Of course you cannot question him as such but you could hold off on your complicity with his bad decisions.
I found this blog sad and I hope your family is able to weather this type of behaviour and that all your sister wives will be loved and respected equally.

Dont be SAD Anonymous. We ALL know we can learn HEAPS from Pratt. Its REAL MEAN to say Pratts DANGEROUS!!! Hes always safe - he NEVER drives faster than 90 and he NEVER lets the kids play with loaded guns unless theres a kid AT LEAST 8 years old around!!

Pratts not like men in the World (Babylon) Hes got the SPIRIT to tell him whats best. Harmonee needs to know theirs gonna be something happening when she does bad stuff. Pratt LOVES all us gals like he loves his kids. Sometimes you got to be angry with your kids so theyll know whats RIGHT. Thats how you make your family REAL HEAVEN.

OF COURSE you got to have secrets in Polygamy! We teach the kids NEVER to say who there Dad is and where they live. THey learn REAL early to keep secrets. Imagine the mess in the family if Pratt told my sisterwives everything? Duh!

Well, thats answered all the questions. Blessings to you all from Zion. Talk to you again tomorrow!


  1. OMG(osh!) I can't believe what I'm reading. I know this may not be real but by god these people DO exist. It's so funny. All I can hope is that you have escaped and are writing this with hindsight( and some relief)

  2. WHOOAAA! I asked the question about the black man being able to marry a white woman and like I said I was not offended. But I can totally see how the end of your question would be so offensive to someone else.. Especially the part that said,
    "One thing to make black folk happy." Is that they will have cute white skin too.

    Black people are beautiful the way they are. I don't see why they would need to become white. hehe we white people don't have any color. Non white people come in many different beautiful colors, while we sort of have the same pasty pale look to us. There isn't too many different shades of white, unless your considering Off white to be one. But anyhow..

    Okay here is another question. You said that your church is the true church that carries the real truth and true way. So what if a black man wanted to join your church and maybe bring in some black sisters to join your church and marry him, Would you let him? Would he be able to move his family and his self into your community? Would your children be able to play with his children?

    I mean I wouldn't see a problem here since you claim that your church is the TRUE WAY and every soul deserves to change his life and follow the "True way" or "Your church"

    But aside from all of that, I am also starting to think this blog is fake. Because Anonymous said pratt was acting childish and dangerous, not because he drives fast or allows 8 year olds to play and supervise little children with loaded guns, but because what he is doing with his wifes is childish and dangerous to his marriage and the self esteem and respect to his other wives.

    And the answer you gave was really childish. "He never drives over 90", as if that is safe, and "he never lets little kids play with loaded guns unless and 8 year old kid supervises".
    COME ON!

    I have to agree with the other anonymous.. I feel you may be trying to damage the fundamentalist LDS churches.
    Forgive me if I am wrong but it just seems that way.

  3. This whole blog has got to be the biggest sham ever!! FLDS women are not supposed to be on the internet--it's evil. And if it were really a polygamist woman writing this crap then SHAME ON YOU!!! I am a polygamist myself and I am embarassed people like this exist. It's people like this that give every polygamist family a bad name. Why on Gods green earth would you share your beliefs, that you hold as sacred with the world (Babylon) to mock and make fun of. That is a bigger discrace than upseting your husband by speaking your mind and not being a "peacemaker" ----And if your going to keep this all up you might want to consider your grammar STINKS!

  4. To the above post. NOOOOO. People like this do not exsist. This is a sham. Whoever does this blog belongs in a loonie bin. You can pretend they are your sistewives too and take Pratt with you! You are a very dumb person. You don't even come accross as real. Nobody in their right mind thinks this way. You are a hypocritical idiot and your Pratt is a dillusion. No man with many wives would be so dumb. Not unless he wanted to make himself a HELL. Not a heaven. HELL. HELL. HELL. Living with you would be hell. Living with him would be hell. This blog is going to hell. I'm not going with it. What a waste of my few moments!
    If you want to know what plural marraige is really like, find a good source not a piece of crap like this one.

  5. This is the best spoof I have ever read. What's so funny is that people are responding to this guff as though they think what is being posted on this blog is true. Wise up and don't be such suckers.

  6. God how far are you going to take this stupidity,you are a real lonely person that has nothing to do with her life to come up with such childish stories
    Do you honestly think that anyone belives your b.s. lol

  7. Annonymous (November 30, 2009 4:06 PM) That is WAY sweet of you to worry about me being lonely, but its OK cos Ive got my wonderful family and all my NEW friends here! You can be my friend to if you like!!

  8. @ Anonymous 11/30 4:06 pm :
    Come now, this blog is believable and true. It is just as believable and true as the "polyblog" listed on the blog list on this site.
    Don't listen to these Gentiles, Honey Dawn. They need to Keep Sweet.
    Blessings !

  9. @ Anonymous 10/19 :
    If FLDS women are not supposed to be on the internet, what are you doing here ?
    Keep Sweet now


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!