Wow! So many comments! Keep them coming. I LOVE hearing from you all. I cant answer everything today cos it would take WAY to long, (sorry about that. Just keep on reading and find answers in some of my posts coming up) Ill just say a couple of things before I go on telling you about camping.
Some of the stuff people said was MEAN, but a nice guy or gal said I talk like a teenager. Thanks for noticing. I think its WAY important to stay young in EVERY way! I dont need to be OLD just cos Im 50!!!
Annonymous, sorry, but I dont know if FLDS men like little girls or not. I never asked them and thats a WAY INAPPROPRIATE question!! I just write about things I KNOW. Some people are WAY judgmental about stuff. Take this pic I found when I was looking for cute dresses to show.
I heard a lot of folk think this girl is only 12 but somebody told me shes really 32!! It just goes to show we cant believe everything we hear! I think the guy is in prison - just shows how MEAN the government is and how some polygamists are persecuted all the time!
SO - I ONLY write about what I KNOW - its the safest thing to do!
Back to the camping trip! Pratt didnt say anything about Harmonee and LiaHona being mean and not getting the food I told them to buy. But he looked kinda mad and gave me more money to buy some wholesome food for me and him to eat. (I just LOVE him!)
I pretty much FILLED up my car with my camping and cooking stuff. That made a few folk mad cos they wanted me to take some kids in my car. Harmonees NUTS about all the kids being in car seats all the time!! Pratt keeps telling her theres not ROOM for them with all the kids we have. SO then Harmonee says shes not coming! That made us all WAY SAD. I told her she needed to have faith that her kids'd be safe. Pratt wanted ALL our family to be together cos there was a lot of teaching he wanted to do. She still said she was staying - so there was nothing we could do.
(I think wives should always do what there priesthood head says. If they dont they lose the spirit- BIG TIME!)
We started off with all our trucks and vans but after about 20 miles I remembered I left my herb set and supplements back in the kitchen at home! I wasnt going to be up in the mountains without them so I just HAD to turn around and go back. Sariah was sweet and said shed wait for me with her truck, so I could follow her up. When I got home I found my box and then I remembered I needed my essential oils, and I had to find another box to put THEM in, and THEN I remembered my cute nightdress was still in the wash and I had to put THAT in the dryer, so it took a while to get back to Sariah. Some of her kids said some smart alec stuff about the wait, but Sariah shushed them up and told them theyd go without supper if they didnt.
By the time we got there theyd set up all the tents in a meadow near a stream. It was real pretty but I was glad my tent was in my car cos I wanted to be private, not next door to everbody. I got the boys to put my tent in the woods at the top of the hill. It was WAY prettier in the trees and I couldnt hear a thing.
In the afternoon we had scripture reading and testimonies. Pratt gave the longest one - he gave his testimony for an HOUR - AWESOME! Then when we were setting up for supper some of the kids started talking about bears. THey thought it was pretty funny when I acted scared and they kept telling bear stories till I got Pratt to make them stop. By the time it was getting dark I was WAY scared in my tent in the woods. I told Pratt about it and he was real understanding. OH-MY-GOSH -I have the BEST husband!!!
It was LiaHonas night but Pratt told her he would make it up to her, and he spent the night in my tent to keep me safe from the bears. (Hes WAY brave and manly -who could have a cuter husband?)
I was REAL happy I put my queen size blow up mattress in my car. There was just enough room for it in my little cosy tent!
Dont have time to write about what happened the next day. It makes me SAD how some folk just dont understand and think bad stuff about other folk! BUT got to go - got to teach my home school cooking class how to make a yummy grits casserole. I'll tell you the rest tomorrow.
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