Sunday, October 25, 2009

Im NOT Flora and Carolyn Jessup!!!!!!!

I dont GET it!!!  Here I am just writing my own little blog and not bothering anybody when some folk write in and say Im  a Jessup gal. First they say Im Flora Jessup, then they say Im somebody called Carolyn Jessup!!! A couple of my sisterwives are Jessops but there not this Flora or Carolyn they keep talking about and Im not EVEN a Jessup!l  I think I herd there names sometime but I dont think I ever met them. These folk seem  mad as heck with these gals. Are they sisters or something??  If there doing bad stuff we should keep sweet like Pratt says and NEVER get mad. Ill pray for them.

Im WAY glad Pratts always watching out for me. He reads ALL my mail first thing  and throws away stuff I shouldnt see. Yesterday there was a message with WAY bad words in it. He didnt say what it was but he just dumped it. Thanks Pratt. Men should always protect there women.

Somebody asked about the deer horns. Pratts camera needs fixing so he cant take pics right now. (Not sure if he knows how to put them on here to - probably does). There big horns - Heres a pic from the internet that looks like them.

Weve got four big sets like this and some smaller one to, so I should be able to make something real cute with  them. Let me know your ideas.

I was going to tell you about the DI trip but Ive got to run to meeting - took to long praying this morning!

See you!


  1. HoneyDawn,
    I'm so glad to know that you are there, you really understand. Some people don't. But we know better. Our husbands will someday have their own planet, and we will be the divine envy of all those who didn't understand us. Hugs, sweet sister in polygyny.

  2. Is your Prieshood hubby a Whitney? I went to Alta
    Academy with a Pratt N. Whitney he was a real blast and just full of energy. Are you a First Wife? You sound like one of those pre-teens they use to babysit the family when the brood goes over 20 to 30 or so. What day of the month ndoes Pratt have with you? Try to schedule him on the moon calendar because tha's based upon 30Days and I don't think the teen wives should get stuck with all the lunar lumbar work chores. Are any of your sisters married to Pratt, too? It's always nice if one, two or three of your sistah wives is really your sistah, then y'all can be like Aunts at a picnic.

  3. Wow those antlers look like Elk! A lot bigger than your average deer, with all those antlers yu culd make a chandelier!

    Those looke like they fell off though, I thought Pratts came with meat?


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!