Monday, October 26, 2009


SO – I was going to tell you about the DI trip on Saturday. First Pratt says to say what DI is for the folk who don’t live in Utah (I was thinking only Utah folkd read this – if you write in itd be fun if you said where your from and I could put pins in a map to show Pratt whose reading!!) Anyway DIs a big thrift store the LDS church runs. We don’t much like giving money to the LDS cos they don’t like polygamists after the Manifesto and everything but you can get some real DEALS!

You can get the best clothes there. Even though the thingsre not new its WAY BETTER than going to the stores with new stuff. WHY? Cos you can’t find dresses that look so FEMININE any wear else!!! You can get big lace collars with bows, and frills on the bottom, and the fabrics got great flowers and the dresses are LONG!!!!!!

Anyway I got a WAY cute pink dress. It just needs some bows to be PERFECT. AND I came acrost some rolls of ribbon and got them for nearly nothing AND I found a can of pink paint for crafts, so it was a GREAT day!!

Im glad it finished up that way cos it started bad. First SOMEBODY said they were staying home cos they didn’t want KIDS taking care of there kids. OK, the real big kids had to do some work at the farm, but some of the other kids weren’t real little so it was OK to leave the babies with them.

Next, I thought we were leaving at 10:30 so I washed my hair to look cute for the trip and the next thing I know is LiaHonas banging on the door saying everybodys waiting for me! I HAD to finish drying my hair and then put it up to look cute. So by the time I got to the van they said theyd been waiting for half an hour. I said I thought Harmoneed told me 10:30 so it wasn’t MY fault!

It was REAL fun to have all us sisterwives together. It took a whiles to get there but it wasn’t to bad cos Pratt let me sit up front next to him cos I get car sick if I don’t. When we got their he went to the gun store so I went around with Sariah so shed tell me if the dresses I tried looked cute.

When we got home there were some problems. Pratt had to talk to the kids who were tending cos the trailers looked pretty messy! Their were crumbs everywhere and some kids didn’t change diapers all day so it was REAL smelly to. I guess some of the mothers need to teach there kids to tend better.

Oh, before I forget! Pratt put this pic up for me. He said we can learn a lot from the Muslins. These gals are REAL modest and WAy cute to! Their wearing dresses over there pants so they look WAY feminine!

Did you know some Muslins live polygamy to?!




  1. Honey Dawn the best source for Afghan burqas is the Hospital supply stores. Just ask them for disposable surgical dropcloths. You can get plastic screen mesh at the HomeDepot and it is really important to add a face screen mask to see where your going. You just cut out a slit and duck tape the window screen over the hole. If you go with Pratt to buy your supplies be sure he understands you need 'burqas' and not burgers. Last week some of the sistah wives only got Whoppers at our compound and boy were they not sweet about it. Our First wife likes to wear her burqa to bed because Pratt can't tell which sistah wife he's pillowing. Halloween is coming and remember you can wear your burgas to WalMart on 31 October and no Gentiles will bother you, except they keep trying to hand you candy.

  2. HoneyDawn,
    I'd be careful about choosing pink. I do see some sisters wearing it, but they are wrong to do so. Remember, pink is half white, which is good, but it is also half red, which is bad. I just feel that we need to look out for each other's salvation, honey.
    Your sister in polygyny,

  3. Yes HoneyDaawn I know bout muslins, I also know the man can kill his wife for any reason, like not wearin that HOT complete covering, if she leave house without, the relgion police can beat her in the stret.

  4. Muslin is a cloth. Muslim is a religion.


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