Somebody showed me some stuff in the news today about polygamy. People in the world say really BAD stuff about Plural Marriage. They are SO MEAN!! I dont think newspapers should be allowed to write things about us. Joseph Smith (the first prophet of our religion) made sure people didnt do that about him. He had the bretheren in Nauvoo back in the 1840s smash up a newspaper press when the newspaper guys said bad stuff. These newspaper guys just don’t understand polgamys a Higher law of God. They just think men LIKE having bunches of wives.
Its WAY hard for these wonderful men. Pratt says Im the only one who REALLY understands him. We talk for HOURS every night. Even when its not my night to be with him, he makes sure he calls me and we just TALK and TALK. Hes AWESOME!!!!!
Do you like my page design??? Pratt chose it. He says the lighthouse is symbology for the light my blog is bringing to everyone! A DARLING thing to say. I wanted something with babies, hearts and flowers but I couldnt find anything. Ive got way cute stickers from scrapbooking but I guess they dont work on a computer. Pratt says hell help me add some cute pictures, so my pages will look WAY cuter soon!
Pratt says too I should tell people to ask questions and he'll help me answer them. So ask away! I love talking about my wonderful way of life!
NO WAY!!! - their still putting those bride ads on my page! Now Thai Brides are on too!!! Just ignore it!
You don't like Lavera going to college. Are you saying girls shouldn't be educated? If you are that's a really old-fashioned idea!
ReplyDeleteJust see my blog today and I will give you a great answer!