Sunday, November 15, 2009

Bacon and Vaccinatings.

Busy busy Sunday again today

 but Ive just got time to write some! 

I DID say something to LiaHona about the bacon yesterday when Harmonee was over (THAT was a mistake!) LiaHona didnt know what to say except she LOVES bacon, but Harmonee always  has something she wants to say!! I said Brigham says NOT to eat it and she went " then why did god send Joseph Smith a 'nice ham' to eat when he was praying for some good food". I said "I dont remember anything about god and ham" and she went "'yes he did when Joseph was praying for something better than johny cake and someone came to his house with a ham."

Well, I think she just made that all up to see if I was going to get mad, but I just smiled sweetly at her and didnt argue about it any more.(LiaHona looked kinda pleased, but I know Im right and Im going to ask Pratt about it)

Then LiaHona told Harmonee the stuff I said about bacon and swine flue - and dyou know what? She LAUGHED. I thought that was kinda rude. She went -if your so afraid of swine flue why dont you get the shot? So I went - dont you know about shots and artism and lots of other bad stuff? Then SHE went - "are we living in a 3rd world country or what?" I went "whatdyou mean by THAT?" So then she was saying she had vaccinatings for ALL her kids when they were babies and they never ended up artistic or anything else. So then I said I never did vaccinatings for MY kids and they never got sick either! I thought that was the end of it but NO (this is Harmonee remember!) She ends up saying the only reason kids who dont get there vaccinatings dont get sick is cos of the kids who DO get vaccinatings. She said if all kids stop getting there vaccinatings, then all the bad stuff like diptheerya, polyo and meesles'll come back again!! I said "not if you have faith they wont!" Well that shut her up cos she just shook her head and left. You cant argue with faith!

Have a happy and peaceful sabbath.


  1. So. All the saints who got malaria and died in winter quarters didn't have faith? I don't vaccinate my kids either, but I think they and doctors have a time and a purpose. I was vaccinated. And I'm ok. There are risks either way. But its a good thing I know how to protect my kids safely. With no possible side affects. See, we had the swine flu. It wasn't bad at all. I and my husband who have had vaccinations in the past (not the swine flu one) got it worse. But with my tricks- better than onions- it lasted only a day, two for the weaker ones. Now they're immunized anyway, just as good or better. Swine flu's not something to worry about. And like I said before,you can't get it from bacon, or any pork products.

  2. True -- you can only get a virus from a live animal, not a dead one, Honey Dawn. So enjoy your bacon and ham if you feel so inclined. (However the nitrates they process them with nowadays isn't so good for you so you might want to make sure it's cured without those.)

  3. Don't eat cured meats, Honey Dawn.
    Ingestion of nitrates is associated with development of colon cancer


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