Saturday, November 14, 2009

Pratts Birthday gift!!!!

I cant WAIT for Pratts birthday!!! My gift is the best EVER!! Remember I told you Joseph Smith had one? Did you guess what it was??!!
Heres some pitchers -

I got these pics here -

SO what I got Pratt is a Jupeter Talisman - JUST like Joseph Smith!!!!!!

Its got this special writing on it from Israel and numbers and it makes  gals fall in love with the guy whose got the talismun!! (Gals fall in love with Pratt ANYWAY). AND another thing, it makes guys rich which is great cos Pratt needs to finish that 4 Plex and I bet some of my sisterwives'd be real happy if they didnt need to go to work and leave there kids all the time. I nearly forgot, its good for guys to get in to important positions to (maybe he'll get called to be one of the bretheren - then he could have the same priesthood Heelaman did - WAY cool!!!!)

THeres heaps more words about this on a blog I found. Its got some real good NATURAL cures for the swine flue to!

Im not letting Pratt read my posting today cos I want it to be a surprise. Im making a special box for it to with ribbons hot glued on.

Thinking about the swine flue - have you all been trying the onions? Ive got onions in EVERY room now (except LiaHonas cos she says she doesnt want that stink in her bedroom.) The other day her kids made a real mess throwing all the onions around. Their were onion skins all over and some of the onions split! I didnt say anything cos I didnt want to make trouble. I just stood there and LOOKED and in the end LiaHona made them pick them all up, which was good.

Another thing about swine flue. Last Sunday when I was reading the scriptures in my room real early, I smelled this smell coming from downstairs and later when I went in the kitchen I found my best iron pan soaking in water with fat in it!!!! I would of been real mad if I didnt have such a sweet nature, cos it made the pan all rusty. But that wasnt all of it - I found a wrapper from BACON on the counter!!!

First off - Brigham Young said DONT eat bacon!! Second, swine flue started up from bacon! SO my pan got messed up, SOMEONE was breaking the commandment, AND it could of given us swine flue!!!!!!

Its a good thing about having the onions AND my garlic wreath!! 


  1. Yummmm. I love bacon! And no you can't get swine flu from it. It's not like mad cow disease. You don't get it from the meat. It's an airborn virus. Which means you get it from coughing, sneezing, touching something that has been coughed on or sneezed on by someone who has the virus. You see viruses are all spread in many different ways. Some you can't get from a sneeze. They're a blood transfer. Most deseases don't pass from animal to person. Only a few. This one does but it could only pass on if the pig sneezed on you, or if you had been around a sick live one. That said, I don't think they're allowed to slaughter sick pigs either.
    Brigham Young advised the saints to raise pigs coming accross the way to Utah. It wasn't a commandment. It was advice. (But the Jews and Muslims don't eat it either.) Pigs can grow germs fast. but if you have a fridge, you're pobably ok. Brigham Young didn't have a fridge. But I know he ate pork sometimes. I'm glad God lets me choose what I want to eat. He has given me advice in the Word of Wisdom, which is great to follow, but I still have my agency. And God said nothing about pork in the Word of Wisdom.

  2. Emma married a man who hated Joseph Smith after he died. It was this man who had an illigitimate son and this son who claimed that he had one that belonged to Joseph Smith some 50 years after Emma was gone. That is very unreliable. NOWHERE is it recorded that Joseph had one. Hmmm. Wonder if he did? I doubt it. Either way, I don't think he believed in superstitious luck. If you want Pratt to have more luck, that's crazy. If you want Pratt to be more blessed that's awesome. Blessings are better than luck. LIVE a good life. Be a good wife and sister wife. And Pray! God is greater than any superstitious trinket. Hope he likes his interesting gift! To tell you the truth, I had to look it up because I'd never heard of one of those before. Interesting.


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