Some REAL nice folkve been writing me letters and I LOVE they think my blog is cute and girly. I still need to put more cute pics in, so Ill try to do that.
Im WAY glad Im not the ONLY one who cant see what Harmonees poems about. (I put it up yesterday) You need to write stuff that folk UNDERSTAND! Rebeckah says Elpis is a GREEK person called Hope. So why didnt Harmonee just say that first off?? Hopes a WAY cuter name than ELPIS! So whose Chimaera then. Is he a Greek guy?
I dont think we need to be writing about Greek people. We need to be writing about our own folk, especially us folk in the truth. Did you hear all that stuff a while back about Greek people and BYU and the U?? (Pratt says there might be folk reading who're not in Utah so I should say BYU is Brigham Youngs University and the U is the University of Utah) There was a real big fuss in the news. Seems the U was coming to BYU to do a Greek Trajedy show with a weird name like The Buckeye (?) Then, all of a sudden BYU says NO WAY!! Seems they were expecting a real NICE Greek Trajedy and then they heard it had nasty stuff in it like killing and women doing bad stuff. I TOTALLY think their right to say "we only watch NICE Greek Trajedys."
Rebeckah says to she thinks Harmonees depressed and I could cheer her up. I think I'll do the stuff Melissa said about writing a poem WITH Harmonee so I can make it rhym. I never would of thought of that! AWESOME!
I know Harmonee'll feel HEAPS better when she gets to learn how to write a real good poem.
Pratts birthday party tonight - Im giving him his gift their!! Can't wait!! HAPPY BIRTHDAY PRATT!!!!
( I need to say about COMMENTS - those're the letters folk are writing. You can see some on the left of my blog, but if you want to see ALL of them , then youve got to look at the end of my writing every day and click on where it says COMMENTS.)
(Another thing - thanks for clicking on the adds cos Im saving up to get stuff for my crafts again - the deer horn chandeleer turned out GREAT!!)
Honeydawn, in Greek mythology, the Chimera (Greek spelling - Chímaira; Latin spelling - Chimaera) was a monstrous fire-breathing creature of Lycia in Asia Minor, composed of the parts of multiple animals: upon the body of a lioness with a tail that terminated in a snake's head, the head of a goat arose on her back at the center of her spine. (I took that almost word for word from Wikipedia.)
ReplyDeleteIn other words, Chimaera is a monster who is stealing Hope. The Greeks had lots of stories and plays about that sort of thing. Like the story of Pandora, where she's told to guard a box and never open it. Of course she DOES open it (because she was curious) and she releases all the woe and sorrow into the world. (Why is it always a woman who gets blamed for that? Ladies, it's time we pointed out to men that THEY have plenty to do with all the evil and sorrow in the world too!) Anyway, Pandora slams the lid of the box down but there's something still in it scratching and knocking and pleading to be released. So finally Pandora opens the box again and releases Hope, the last thing in the box. I guess we didn't need hope until all the woes and sorrows had been released. ;)
Thankyou so much for responding to my comments HoneyDawn. I do find this blog absoloutley fascinating.
ReplyDeleteI hope Pratt's birthday goes well. Are you all spending it together as a family? And who gets the night with the birthday boy? Do you have a communal space for this sort of occasion? From what you have written it sounds like each wife has a pretty self contained space, either a house or a trailer. But surely to all share your lives and the spirit you need to have a communal space where you can all come together as well. Does Pratt have his own space, or just rotate between the wives? If so, it must get hard for him, having to adjust to different ways every night in a different home, especially as it sounds like you and your sister wives are a pretty diverse group of women.
Sorry about all the questions - as i have said before, this blog fascinates me, and i just can't wait to hear more of your wisdom.
You asked if i was thinking of pursuing a polygamous marraige. Well i have a question about that, partly related to your posts on how to get to the Celestial Kingdom. You see, i am not in America. I know that Mormons believe that America is the site of the new Zion, so where does that leave the rest of the world, who aren't lucky enough to be born there? As an Australian, do I have any chance of redemption? Is my only hope to come to America and hope I am lucky enough to marry a Pratt of my own? Or is it too late already, having been born in the wrong place?
Sorry, don't mean to overwhelm you with questions, especially when you have Pratt's birthday to organise. Hope the whole family has a great time!
And I am so glad you are going to try the poetry writing exercise i reccomended with Harmonee. I hope you will post some of the results!
Thanks again and sorry for all the questions.
Melissa xx
HoneyDawn, I believe that the Greek Tragedy to which you are referring, is, in fact, The Bakkhai by Euripides. Perhaps one day, when you have time in your busy schedule, you could use your amazing literary skills to produce the kind of Greek Tragedy that Brigham Young University would be willing to allow on their campus?
ReplyDeleteDo you like Harmonee? Because it sounds like you don't want to accept her for who she is and you want to make her just like you. God made us all different and beautiful. You should really learn to love Harmonee for everything she is and stop running her down to the world on this blog. Someday she may read all this and if I were her I would be crushed at how you talk about her. She may not be like you, think like you and act like you but she is a beautiful person and God loves her for who she should too!