Thursday, November 19, 2009

Pratts Birthday & Moon men.

We had Pratts birthday last night! It was AWESOME. We got everybody together in the 4plex. Its not finished but its got the roof on. We got some heaters  and hung blankets for walls and made it look real pretty. Pratt was REAL pleased to have everbody there. It was kinda noisy with all the kids and they were running all over. We all brought favorite food and Celestial Rainbow and her mom Chatistee made a HUMONGUS cake. I was hoping theyd be making a nice wholesome cake, but it was plastered with all that yucky sugar frosting so I didnt eat any.

Most of the gals'd made shirts and sweters for Pratt. He LOVED my gift!!! I KNEW he would! He says hes going to wear it on him all the time! I said to him what some folkve been saying about the Jupiter Talismun not being Joseph smiths even, but he said it WAS, so Im REAL pleased. He told us gals that Joseph had a snake head cane with a Jupiter pic on it TO! He said he didnt know WHY folk get all upset about it cos theirs nothing wrong about it!

When everyone was cleaning up I walked outside for a spell with Pratt. We were looking up at the moon and he was telling me it was CRAZY, folk beleiving the lies that men WENT there! That was the kind of lying they do in the public schools, so hes REAL happy we're home schooling the kids! He said Joseph Smith said there people on the moon and they live a REAL long time, maybe 1000 YEARS even!!!! And they wear clothes like quakers did. WAY COOL!! SO....  did the men who were supposed to be walking on the moon SEE them?? Duh! That SHOWS its all a big fat lie!

Im WAY happy Pratt teaches me this stuff. Evry time Im with him I learn new stuff! Im SO unworthy of all my blessings.

Melissa Im going to answer ALL your great questions. It might take awhile but just keep reading and I'll get to them (Melissa's in Australia - but at least they speak English their)

And Rebeckah sure knows heaps of stuff! But I think Harmonee was showing off in her poem. Just cos she went to college she writes stuff so you cant understand it. Poems need to be sweet and simple and real easy to understand. But she'll soon learn with me.

I almost forgot - when we were talking last night, one of the kids took a bad tumbel in the 4plex and broke his arm, but it was OK cos Pratt knows what to do for that. Hes WAY amazeing!

Well, got to go,



  1. Well, I have to be honest, HoneyDawn, mostly I know things because I look them up when I wonder about something. On the top left of my webpage there's a toolbar with a blank area where I can type in what I'm curious about and then up pops a list of places I can look to find out more information. I love learning things. I like to write stories (prose not poetry ;)) and I look up stuff for them too. I think the internet is such a wonderful resource for learning things! Right now I'm kind of studying stuff for foraging and making homemade foods and medicines. I think it is so interesting how our ancestors did without so many of the great things that we have today. (I've washed clothes by hand and it's a LOT of hard work!)

  2. Rebeckah - When i was growing up my parents were living on a commune doing the whole hippie self sufficiency thing. My mother STILL talks about how proud she used to be to see all the families washing clean on the line, especially the babies nappies, after a day of hand washing. I think we modern women take a lot for granted.

    And HoneyDawn - Thanks for taking the time to think about my questions. I really do want to hear your answers.

    Yep, we speak english here in Australia, but my children seem to be growing up speaking American style english as a result of what they watch on television and the music they listen to. It's strange, but i'm kind of attached to the "british" style english that Australians have traditionally spoken - i can't stand it when my daughter says zee for zed (Z) for example, but it's hard to explain the differences in dialect to a child who has grown up watching Sesame Street.

    Sorry to have veered so much off topic. It's great Pratt had such a wonderful birthday (back to different dialects for a moment - it is highly unlikely you would find someone named Pratt in Britian or Australia, not formally anyhow!). Looking forward to hearing more from you.

    Melissa xx


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!