Thursday, November 26, 2009

Sisterwife Poem

Im WAY tired this morning from staying up late writing! Happy Thanksgiving everybody! I hope your having a GREAT DAY - be sure and eat wholesome!

Harmonee came over after she got home from work last night. LiaHona cooked dinner for everybody - macaroni cheese and hot dogs! The kids all loved it - of COURSE! I just ate some of the macaroni and then made myself a honey and sprouts wholewheat sanwich.

LiaHona gave the older kids chores and let the little kids play upstairs in the bedrooms (not mine!). Then we sat down to do our poem writing. I did what Melissa said, and said to Harmonee itd be a good idea to write about Pratt, cos we both think he's awesome. She said OK, so we got started right away.

Harmonee writes REAL quick, but I take a long time cos I make sure I get the BEST words and rhyms. I did the name of the poem, then she started out, and I went next. When I was thinking, Harmonee and LIaHona got out a pack of cards and started playing! It wasnt like they were GAMBLING or anything ( I wouldve stopped THAT right away!), but I dont think that was right, cos Brigham Young said not to play cards cos its evil. (I need to talk to Pratt about it.)

Anyway, after they played a few games I got my first line in and Harmonee came and sat down and wrote her next line. Then we kept doing it till it got done. It was a real good thing I was helping Harmonee this time, cos I made it ryhm great! She still writes weird stuff nobody can understand. but now that she can see how to do it, maybe she'll write better.

It was WAY late when we finished. All Harmonees kids were sleeping on the floor and LiaHona was taking a nap. When it was done we had LiaHona read it out loud, but she was in a REAL silly mood. (She acts real imature, when she gets with Harmonee) She just giggled and laughed and then she got the hiccups so it didnt sound right! Then Harmonee starts laughing to! ( I still need to tell you sometime about laughing and it being sinful)

Anyway, after Harmonee went home and LiaHona went to bed, I put it on the computer to make it look nice. What I did was put my writing in color, so you know which parts I was writing. Here it is -

Our Priesthood Heads (specially Pratt!)

God appointed patriarch.
Pratts home, what a lark!
From tent shadows he scans infinite horizon.
He loves us ALL and his Hon,
Shimmering phantasms of fantastic cool lagoons mock his dazzled vision
Beeing in charge - its his mission!
And taunt his dry lipped mouth.
If you look north and south,
Will he come, the long awaited messenger?
Theirs nobody better!
Or are the divine directives the product of interior musings
We LOVE it when he sings!
Made substance in this toy universe of his own creation?
Hes the WAY best guy in the zion nation!!!!

Do you like I used pink to make it cute and girly? You can see Harmonee still needs help some (I dont know why she put TENTS in it- she should've said 4plex or trailer or house, and Pratt NEVER has dry lips - he always uses chapstick) but I think its been good for her to spend this sisterwife time with me and see how to write great poems.

Im saving this cos I think its good enough for our Poly Pre-Teen mag.

Oh and hi to Sweet Potato. Im REAL glad your studying the scriptures. Pratt says itll be OK for you to come visit if the prophet gets a revelation, so you need to be praying for that. If he gets one we'll let you know right away!

Im cooking one of the turkeys so I better get going!!!



  1. Happy Thanksgiving Honey Dawn and Sweet Potato !

  2. Hi Honey Dawn,
    I hope your Easter was a good one. I think that you should tour the blogosphere to teach the Gentiles about polygamy. What do you think ?

  3. Whoops Sorry Honey Dawn, I meant Thanksgiving, not Easter.

  4. Happy Thanksgiving to you ALL to! I love all the letters and if you keep reading Ill get all your WAY important questions answered. Keeping Sweet - I was thinking your in one of the polygamy groups thats not doing holidays, when you said Easter, so its OK.

  5. Wow, I'm impressed! Harmonee should publish some of her work! The way she writes poetry is inspirational. You can tell she knows what she is doing! Sorry honeydawn your part seemed a little third gradish, but the rest was wonderful. I wouldn't worry about her saying tent or dry lips. Not all poems say things straight forward. To me dry lips might mean he is thirsty for truth. And the tent might just mean he is humble. Think outside the box.

  6. Annonymous, glad you liked OUR poem. I think it wouldntve been SO great without me cos I made it rhym. EVERYBODY says I sound WAY young! Thats REAL nice - but 3rd grade is just flattery!Im WAy happy I could be a blessing to Harmonee. Pratt says Ive got to put up some more of her poems cos folk are liking them. Ill keep working with her so they turn out better.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!