Theirs bunches of questions for me to be answering!! I probally cant do them all today but Ill be talking about them all to Pratt and writing them down sometime this week, so dont worry folk Ill answer them all soon!!
Its real nice getting all these new friends! Like I said before, the LDS mormons dont like us at ALL (specially cos folk in the world keep mixing us up), and the other polygamy groups dont like us much, and most folk in Babylon think we should all go to jail! Thats what happens when your doing the right stuff - Pratt says theres ALWAYS presecution for gods folk.
Now, I got asked a REAL intresting question the other day from Chatelaine. But before I get to that I need to say to Cat Whisperer, you SHOULD be living polygamy, but if you DONT its OK for you cos YOU wont get danged for not doing it. Its us gals here in the true group that get danged for not doing it and probally get sent to heck unless one of the sisterwives wants us to be a servant or something maybe. If you got the truth like we do, and then get all huffy and say NO WAY Im living polygamy, then thats REAL bad! It OK for YOU cos youll probally just get to go to the terrestrial kingdom and thats not to bad. So dont be worrying about that! It might be bad for a while to if you dont gather here to zion when the end comes, but after that even if you cant be in the best place, youll probally quite like it where you go.
Now the stuff about sisterwives. Chatelaine said
Well I know the bretheren are always talking about the adversary in meeting, cos hes the one who makes some gals not like polygamy. The bretheren say his other names Satan. Im for SURE not calling Harmonee Satan, thatd be real bad!Honey Dawn, The word for sister wife in the Bible is t'zarah, which means enemy, opponent, or adversary. What do you make of this ? Is Harmonee your adversary?
I never heard sisterwife means adversary. I was going to ask Pratt to ask Harmonee about it cos she did some Hebrew when she was at college and she was teaching us all once, but most of us thought it was weird the Hebrew people didnt even know our ABC writing so we didnt do much. I remember ONE word though, cos Pratt said for us to remember, cos its WAY important! Remember when I was talking about doing the works Abaraham did? - thats living polygamy. Then theres the law of SARAH and thats the word I was remembering cos it means PRINCESS in hebrew. Cos Sarai knew she HAD to live polygamy and let Abaraham have Hagar, her name got changed to PRINCESS or SARAH. - so every gal who gives her husband more wives (Thats the Law of Sarah) is probally a princess/sarah to!
Im thinking what happened was a couple of sisterwives were talking one day when they were cleaning up the tent, and one of them said to the other sisterwife "your a real princess!" (or Sarah) and the prophet guy writing it down was REAL old and didnt hear right and put down TZARAH instead of SARAH. See its nearly the same! So if you said "your a real princess!" it would of said "your a real adversary!"
Even if the prophet guy didnt make a mistake, Joseph Smith said some of the bibles not right and we only believe the parts that got translated right.
Im WAY glad I can help all you guys and gals know whats right. Im SO unworthy of all my blessings!
One more thing, some of the guys say theirs the LAW OF HAGAR to, on top of the law of Sarah. Its when guys're having trouble with a wife and they say to her "theirs your tent - off you go!" Then they leave her alone till she gets a sweeter spirit. (I never heard the bretheren say that in meeting but a lot of guys say it.) I think Pratt mightve had to do that once with Chastitee after he first got her, but shes way sweeter now.
Got to go again, Harmonees coming over tonight for some poem writing. Im WAY excited. Ill write it all up tomorow!
PS I put a fun guessing poll on my page!!
Thanks Honey for this enlightenment.
ReplyDeleteI am glad that I am not bound for hellfire
because I am not a polygamist.
You have impressive skills in Biblical exegesis
Hey, HoneyDawn, I been reading and studing the BOM and D&C so I can understand as much as I can in case your bishop says it is OK for me to visit. Have you been able to ask him yet. Glad to hear that Pratt is building a 4 plex for the other wives.
ReplyDeleteThanks Demoiselle - Pratt says I know a lot about the bible. I think you got mixed up with the two books though - Im pretty sure its exodus and genesis - its not the one word exegesis. Dont feel bad though cos I m always getting stuff mixed up to!
ReplyDeleteSweet Potato - its REAl nice to hear from you again. read my blog tomorrow for your answer.