Saturday, November 28, 2009

Loud Laughter and stuff

Pratt was with me last night and I had a LONG talk with him then and after breakfast this morning about the answers to all your questions. 

First off he says for me NOT to go around on gentile blogs to be a polygamy missionary yet. It sounds like a real good idea, but it could make some problems. He says my blog is AWESOME but if I do other stuff like that he thinks the bretheren probally wont like it. Itd be OK if Pratt went around to the blogs with me to, cos hes got the priesthood, but hes to busy working construction and finishing the 4plex. Thanks for the idea Keeping Sweet - maybe when the 4plex is finished we could try it.

Melissa says the folk in Autraliave got trouble with their aborigine folk about their Thanksgiving day. Thats REAL bad. Like Rebeckah was saying, the red indians dont much like Thanksgiving day either. Pratt says its cos they dont understand god gave the USA to the pilgrims and pioneers, so they get huffy about it. When they turn white they'll be OK.

About Christmas - our family doesnt do it. Thats cos its not when gentiles say it is and Pratt says we dont do pagan holidays!! We do the birth of Joseph Smith - thats December 23rd. Im making a special gift for Pratt for then. Ive got a few dollars for my ads so Im getting stuff to do it. What it is, is a special little book with all the awesome clever stuff he says all the time! Its going to be called "Thoughts of Husband Pratt" and Im putting it in a little red book. (reds OK if your not wearing it.) Every page is going to have cute little stickers to make it WAY COOL!

Some groups dont do ANY holidays at all. My sisters group doesnt do Thanksgiving and I said for her and the kids to come to our place, but she wouldnt cos she would of been in trouble. I guess she needs to be listening to her husband, even if shes not in the true group.

I was going to tell you about laughter cos thats a BIG problem with LiaHona and Harmonee, and Pratt doesnt want it spreading in the family - specially to Celestial Rainbow cos shes the youngest wife. We get told NOT to do loud laughter and if we do we're breaking promises! Joseph Smith says it shows weve got empty minds if we're doing laughing like that and then the spirit goes away and THEN we get bad spirits telling us what to do! (its OK to smile some, but not big grins cos thats getting to close to laughing) I think being loud isnt femine even, thats why I ALWAYS speak in real soft girly voice. (Pratt loves it)

I only just saw Catwhispers question about colored folk. THat's a REAL big question and I need to talk to Pratt again about that one so I get it right, and hell get the scriptures for it, so maybe tomorrow or Monday I might get time.

We're off to the store in town today and all the galsve been waiting for me for 10 minutes so I better go!



  1. If people really think that this blog is real,there's no cure for stupidity in this world.
    You are an uneducated person,at least use spell check.
    If you are 50 years old as you claim,you are mentally challenged!!!!

  2. To Anonymous 11/28/09 10:57 AM;
    If you are suggesting that this blog is not real, you are being absurd!
    This blog is as real as any other pro - polygamy blog out there - just compare it to the second blog listed on the blogroll at this site.
    This blog is just as real as that one is.
    Keep Sweet !

  3. Keeping Sweet, you ARE sweet! COURSE this blog is REAL! How can folk be writing me, and me writing back if its not REAL! That makes no sense! And Anonymous I think you can be kind to my friends and not be calling them dumb. I know your out in the world, or maybe in another group thats not the true group, but we can ALL be sweet.I still love you and you can be my friend to if you like!!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!