I ALWAYS make my special own recipe turkey. (I should of told you before so you could of cooked it yesterday , but if you do Christmas, you could do it then). Melissa, what do you eat in Australia for Thanksgiving if you dont eat turkey? Here's my AWESOME recipe -
HoneyDawns Traditonal Turkey
Get a fresh turkey (none of that frozen stuff - I got my turkey from the farm)Pluck it good (keep the fethers) and make sure its got the head and feet and everything on it.
Take out the insides and chop them up in chunks.
Fill the body with soybean and wholewheat stuffing.
Make a coupla cuts in the skin and shove the chopped up insides in to the holes (this'll make it WAY yummy and keep it from getting dry!)
Then you roast it in a big pan in the oven till its cooked.
When its cooked, put the feathers on a big plate and put the turkey on top. Put pickles all round.
(I always make cute little bracelets for the neck and feet - I make mine from indian corn and I make a little pilgrim hat for it from craft paper! fer cuute!)
I make everybody eat EVERYTHING so theres no wasting cos thats a sin. After Pratt did his testifying yesterday he was telling us about the red indians. One thing their good about is not wasting! When they kill a buffaloe, they use it ALL. Pratt says we should be doing that to. Pratt was saying at dinner the red indiansre cursed with there brown skin, cos their grandpa LAMAN and some of the other ansesters in the book of mormon were doing bad stuff.. Pratt says I need to put the scripture in here so you can look it up.
And it came to pass that I beheld, after they had dwindled in unbelief they became a dark, and loathsome, and a filthy people, full of idleness and all manner of abominations (Book of Mormon, I Nephi 12:23).And he had caused the cursing to come upon them, yea, even a sore cursing, because of their iniquity ... wherefore, as they were white, and exceeding fair and delightsome, that they might not be enticing unto my people the Lord God did cause a skin of blackness to come upon them (2 Nephi 5:21).Its real good they stopped being savages cos they made it real bad for the pioneers and the pilgrims. Im WAY glad there still not shooting arrows and cutting of peoples hair like they did - that was REAL nasty - it was a good thing the pilgrims got here when they did and showed them what to do!!! Its WAY COOL cos one day if there good, theyll be nice and white, just like us cos it says when some of them got good
(Not sure why it says black skin - they look kinda brown to me)
"their curse was taken from them, and their skin became white like unto the Nephites" (3 Nephi 2:15)
Anyway, back to Thanksgiving. Chastitee made the green bean casseroles and LiaHona and Celestial Rainbow made the pickles and candied yams (I dont eat that cos of all the marshmallow in it.) LaBlessing and me made the potato, corn and turkeys. All of us made pies. Harmonee cooked turkey to but not the old way like I do. She gets those frozen Butterball birds with the pop up thermomater. She even uses those gloves to take out the insides and then she just throws it away cos she says it makes her want to puke!!!
There was BUNCHES of food yesterday so pretty much all of my turkey was still on the plate at the end, but thats OK cos me and LiaHona and her kids can eat it for the rest of the week, then Ill make my bean stew with the bones.
Sweet Potato - Pratts REAL glad your studying. he said to see how you coming along and ask you a coupla way easy scripture questions. So here goes - first off - Why did Laman and Lemuel get WAY mad in the desert with there brother Nephi? Next, what was on the other side of the river Lehi was dreaming up? Try and see if you know this stuff, if not go back and read the book of mormon some more. Pratts read it HEAPS of times so thats why he knows ALL the stuff!
Before I close I need to write all the stuff the families thankful fer. I said Pratt and plural marriage (polygamy) and ALWAYS having the spirit with me, Chastitee says the Priesthood and not throwing up any more (she's having number 13) LiaHona says shes WAY thankful fer the 4plex being built, and for prayer cos its the only way she can get through the day, LaBlessing said shes glad about being the chosen people and not being black, Celestial Rainbow says shes thankful fer being born in the only true country on the earth, and being in the only true group on the earth, Pratt says having his full quorum of wives (you got to get at LEAST 7 for some stuff). Pratt left Harmonee til last, and what does she go and say? She says shes WAY thankful fer BATHROOM TISSUE!!! It was great up till then, then LiaHona starts snorting and then her and Harmonee are off giggling again (that drives away the spirit real quick) and then even Celestial Rainbow starts up!! But Pratt started testifying again so they shut up quick and behaved for the rest of the time, so that was good. I think we had a heavenly day!
Pratts with ME tonight so thats heavenly to!
Talk to you tomorrow!
PS Im WAY thankful Im living here in this great community in Utah, USA. Its the best place on the planet to be!!!! I dont ever want to leave, not even to visit Salt Lake even!! THis is the best place in the USA! We got the bretheren right here, and we're in this FREE country, not like most other countries! (I never went anywhere else but I just KNOW its the best place cos thats why Brigham Young brought folk here.)
Yay Honey Dawn ! I love your blog!!
ReplyDeleteYou definitely need to tour the blogosphere to provide me everyone with the Good News about salvation thru polygamy!!!
Yay !!
Thanks Keeping Sweet! Im thinking REAL hard about what your saying and Im talking about it with Pratt cos its his night with me.
I'm glad you enjoyed your Thanksgiving.
ReplyDeleteWe don't have thanksgiving in Australia because we have a different history of European colonisation, but we do have a celebration with similar roots on January 26, Australia Day, the anniversary of the British first landing here. The aboriginal population want it changed though, they call in Invasion Day, and want our national day changed to one that doesn't have the negative connotations for them that Captian Cook's arrival does. Do the native Americans feel that way about Thanksgiving?
You and Harmonee's different approaches to cooking your turkeys and giving thanks were, as always, very revealing. I think as far as christmas turkey goes though, I am going to have to go with Harmonee's method - I don't think I have ever seen turkeys for sale with their innards intact and I tend to be queasy about butchery at the best of times.
I know you are busy, and thanks for such a long post, especially the scripture references. You haven't answered my question about if and/ or how your group celebrates christmas yet though, and I would really like to know when you get time.
I am also curious about what you said about Pratt having a quorum of wives and needing 7
for some things. Are there any things that require numbers greater than 7?
Thanks again for taking the time to teach us. You really are a modern day missionary!
Melissa xx
Melissa, yes, some native Americans DO feel rather strongly about the arrival of Europeans to America. They speak out against Columbus Day more than Thanksgiving from what I've noticed. Some schools have started teaching a more balanced view of Columbus's arrival too -- so the children learn about the devestation his arrival brought to the native people and not just a whitewashed version proclaiming progress and joy for all.
ReplyDeleteHoney Dawn,
ReplyDeleteAre people of color bad according to the Book of Mormon? I just want to know. Ask Pratt if you need to. Blessings
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteCould you comment on the lack of archeological evidence to support the Book of Mormon ?