Monday, November 2, 2009

Sweet Sisterwife Sacrifices.

Oh-My-GOSH! It would be to SAD if folk got the idea I didnt LOVE it  for LiaHona and her kids to come live in my little house! Im WAY happy!

We had the meeting on Saturday to know what to do. I did say to Pratt maybe we could split up the kids and put a few in each trailer, then LiaHona could move in with Harmonee, but nobody liked that idea.

In the end Pratt said for LiaHona and her kids to stay with me. I told him Im WAY thankful I can be such a blessing to him and LiaHona, even if its a sacrifice. But sacrificings how we get to the celestial kingdom. Pratt said I have a REAL sweet spirit!! I only thought before itd be hard for LIaHona cos she had a hard time about me coming in to the family, just like Harmonee did.

I talked about it to Pratt later and he thinks LiaHona'll soon see how great it is to have me in the family. He says sharing EVERYTHING will bring the spirit in to our life.

Ive been WAY busy. I got some of the big kids to move my craft stuff into my bedroom, and Pratt's computer to (we dont want the kids playing on it, and none of the family know about the blog) LiaHona split her kids into the two small bedrooms and she's got the big bedroom right nextdoor to my bedroom. I think itd be better if she put the small kids in there but she said its the only room big enough for a double bed. So thats where she is. Im WAY happy.

Its good I got plenty of onions in store from the farm. With all those kids theres BOUND to be bunches of extra jerms. One of the sisters told me to put onions in dishes in every room cos they stop you getting sick. She did that all last year and she never got the flu. She said she knew somebody that got neumonia, and they cut both ends off an onion and put it next to her at night. In the morning it was all black from all the jerms and she got better right away!! Just shows you dont need all those doctors and toxic pills they try to give you! Should be GREAT for swine flu AND I heard it stopped the black death to back years ago. I never knew that! Just shows my garlic wreath was a real good idea to!

Talk to you tomorrow.

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