Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Being a blessing.

What a busy gal Ive been today! LiaHona and the kidsre pretty settled in and she went off to work this morning. The kids went over to the trailers for home school and I cleaned up the mess. All those kids use a heap of dishes and silverware! LiaHona was going to do the dishes, but she was late and she had to get all the kids ready to, so Pratt said I would do them. He was here last night and slept over with LiaHona. He's coming to me tonight.

We all sat down together in my family room last night. Pratt, me and LiaHona on the sofa and all her kids playing around. Pratt said it was a GREAT opportunity for us all to be together. LiaHona put her kids to bed real late, so it wasnt long after, Pratt and her went to bed. I stayed up for a spell to straighten things up.

Im WAY glad I was never jealous of ANY of  my sisterwives. I was kind of tired this morning cos I couldnt sleep last night. (I sure do wish LiaHona hadnt of chosen the room RIGHT nextdoor to my bedroom) but keeping sweet DOES bring the spirit in.

SweetPotato I didnt talk to Pratt YET about you coming. I think its a REAL sweet idea for you to use your house money to buy new trailers. LiaHona needs one REAL bad. You could be a blessing in our family just like me.

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I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!