Monday, December 21, 2009

Be natural - Dont dye your hair!

Ondi’s wife, Vilate, lives near us, and she went to meeting with her hair cut  up near her shoulders yesterday!!!!!! Our gals (Pratt's wives) couldnt stop talking about it last night - I mean - we were just SAD for her. And what made it even more bad - she put STRIPES in her hair too!! So now her hair is brown AND blond - what a mess, and so WORDLY!! Even if Im 50 I dont have ONE  gray hair even  - its probally eating good and living agood life. Even if I was going gray Id NEVER dye it!! God wants us to be natural, not fake. Pratt says I look naturally feminin with my beautiful long hair, and when I wear my lace and satin dresses he says I still look like a little girl. Fer Cuuute!!

I put our family in the sidebar like Melissa was asking. I put the names of all us gals and some stuff about us, but not our kids to. Theres to many, and Pratt doesnt want people knowing how big our family is - we never count all of us sos we can say we "dont know" if folk are asking.

Im still taking it easy today. The chicken soup and blessing from Pratt helped a heap, but I need to take care of myself for the pajeant on the 23rd. Im taking plenty of garlic and onions to help. (LiaHonas still being rude about all the onions round the house, but I never got the swine flue, so its proving it works!)


1 comment:

  1. forget the garlic and onions, maybe you need zithromax !
    from an Anonymous MD


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