Sunday, December 20, 2009

Chicken soup sabbath. Is hot glue toxic?????

Ill probally be staying in bed ALL day today on acount of me being sick. Saraiah says she'll be bringing around chicken soup for me later. (I LOVE having a sister sisterwife!)

I need to get better quick for the pajeant! Sariah thinks I got all wore out with all those bonnets and shes wondering about hot glue being toxic when your using it a lot, like me?  I WAS working real hard to get the bonnets done! They look AWESOME!!! Even Harmonee was saying they look AMAZING! (one of the bretherens wives was wondering about all the color for Joseph Smiths wives to be wearing back then, but Pratt says not to worry about it.) There REAL glad there all done and not having to do it themself, so thats OK.

Pratt gave me a blessing early before Priesthood, and he says he'll be coming round again later to, and see if Im well to come down to fireside, cus he'll be talking about Joseph Smith. He says not to be writing to much, cus Im sick, but says to write about Joseph Smith, cus thats important right now.

Its good to be celebrating on the 23rd for Josephs birthday. Harmonee came round yesterday and I heard her talking to LiaHona and telling her to bring her kids around on the 25th, early, and then stay for lunch. I dont know what shes up to. Like I said, some folk in our communityre selebrating Christmas, but Pratt doesn't want our family doing it, but what with Harmonees kids going to public school and hearing about all the Christmas stuff other kidsre doing, Im thinking she might not be listening to Pratt!!

I was asking one of LiaHonas little kids about the lights in Harmonees trailer I was seeing the other night. The other kids were trying to shush him, but he said it was a tree!! Im asking her about it today, cus trees are TOTALLY pagan! Pratt showed us in the scriptures about the Christmas trees in the bible being idles!
Thus says the LORD, "Do not learn the way of the nations, And do not be terrified by the signs of the heavens Although the nations are terrified by them; 3 For the customs of the peoples are delusion; Because it is wood cut from the forest, The work of the hands of a craftsman with a cutting tool. 4 "They decorate it with silver and with gold; They fasten it with nails and with hammers so that it will not totter. Jeremiah 10:2-4
I bet Harmonees putting all that gold and silvre tinsle stuff on her tree to!!
Well I need to be resting now, cus I want to be going to that fireside tonight.
Have a totally awesome sabbath, and stay away from those idles!


  1. I have a Christmas tree and I am not a pagan !!

  2. Hot glue is not toxic unless you inhale it in a confined, unventilated area for a prolonged period of time. A Guillain Barre type illness has been described when glue is inhaled thru the nostrils in this fashion....
    ....You don't want to get Guillain Barre !
    Be sure to do all your glued craft projects in an open area with plenty of ventilation.

    Best Regards, and don't forget my advice regarding silvadene cream for burns in the future.
    An Anonymous MD

  3. Guillain Barre is an illness which can cause paralysis - you don't want to get it!!!
    from an Anonymous MD

  4. Anonymous MD, we're not much needing medical folk, (Pratt says MD means your a doctor) but Im not finding that nasty sickness in my herbal book, so thanks for letting me know about it. Im using my essensial oils to get better,then Im being REAL careful with my glue gun!

  5. glad that you are exercising caution with the hot glue !
    why doesn't Pratt let you see a doctor ?

  6. Anonymous MD, our scriptures say to get better with herbs and blessings, so we dont much go to doctors.

  7. Honey dawn, If you want to do the "
    all natural" thang, then Aloe Vera is what you want to use on burns.

    hope yous feeling better.

  8. Come now, Honey Dawn, we doctors are not all that bad!!!!

    An Anonymous MD

  9. Annonymous MD. Im not saying YOUR bad, its just some folk in our groupre saying we need to be having more faith to get well, and if we're running off to doctors we're not showing much faith.


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