Friday, December 25, 2009

Flying Wagons.

After all the pajeant excitement it seems kinda quiet right now. LiaHona and the kids went out real early to Harmonees. Shes staying for lunch to, so Ive got all the house to myself today which is real nice. I guess a lot of folk are celebrating today but we're keeping it till 6th April. Thats the right time for doing Christmas. Pratts off work so he might come in some time to say hi, and then we'll be talking about what to be writing about next.

Somebody was saying about polygamy not being the law from god, but thats not right cus I know its in the Doctrine and Covenenants, and thats scripture! Joseph Smith was getting the revelation from god about it, and all the important prophet guys in the bible were living it, so it must be OK with god, or he would of been telling them no!

Theres a story the bretheren told last sunday you might like to be hearing - it was about the prophet Lorin Woolley. He was a up a canyon in Utah with his wagon one day and he met this guy, and he knew it was jesus. They rode down the canyon in the wagon and jesus said to give the horses there heads. Lorin was scared cus he thought they might crash the wagon, but when he did let the horses go  fast, they started flying down the canyon!!! Its a real exciting story and better than the santa and reindeer lies there teaching kids!

Pratt was telling me things are getting real bad out in the world. There was some stuff on the news the other day about black folk doing riots with snowballs and attacking the police and the white folk in washington. The police had to come in with guns to break it up!! You can sure tell we're in the last days! I sure hope all you folk are praying about what Pratt and me've been saying.

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I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!