Thursday, December 24, 2009

A great day!

The pajeant went great last night! Thanks everybody who was wishing me luck with it! All the gals looked awesome in the bonnets!!! A coupla bretherens wives were complaining about to many flowers, but guess who told them to be quiet - Harmonee!!! She said they should be glad they werent making them themself, AND she said she'd never seen anything like them in her life! That was real nice of her! I think we need to be keeping the bonnets sos we can do it again next year!

Everybody turned up (the kids to) to watch us parade around and we all stood there while one of the bretheren gave a great talk about Joseph Smith. (I was wanting to stand right next to Pratt but with all the 32 wives, the ones being Emma Smith, and Eliza R. Snow got to be next to him. After that we all ate the pot luck meal.

Folk were asking if everybody had to get past Joseph to get into the celestial kingdom, even gentiles. Pratt says everybody whose going in has to get past him, but gentilesre not going there so it doesnt matter for them, cus there going somewhere else. (if they WERE going there, itd mean there in the RIGHT group and not being gentiles any more) I guess it means Joseph IS going to be pretty busy but he'll probally get bunches of helpers.

Theres a lot of talking in the letters about other religion like the catholics, but sorry, Pratt and me're not joining them. Pratt says we got a crazy guy writing letters, and he likes to pretend to be bunches of folk and using other folks names (I wish folk were being proper followers, so they could be writing letters in just ONE name!)

Somebody was asking about giving gifts yesterday. Mostly we're not doing it, but I did get "Thoughts of Husband Pratt" done. I wrote it out in my best writing in a cute little red book. Every page had cute stickers, and Pratt LOVED it!

Theres more questions to be answering, so we'll probally get to them tomorrow.


  1. Honeydawn, do you still believe I'm "anon e mouse"?
    Who is posting comments pretending to be others? If you think I'm doing that please give an example of a post made by me claiming to be someone else.
    My handle "duane" has been banned on some other blogs so I occasionally post with another handle, usually as "anonymous" or another original name but at no time have I assumed the identity of someone else. For example, I have never posted as "Ale Wife" or "anon e mouse" in an effort to deceive others into thinking that I'm the same person as the one who posts under that handle.

    Merry Christmas


  2. OK Duane, Pratt was thinking you were doing that once but he looked again and it was just Anon E Mouse quoting you in her/his letter! Sorry to Duane AND Anon E Mouse. As long as your not doing that Duane its OK (but Pratt says watch your keeping it clean)

  3. Honey Dawn,
    Joseph Smith was a false prophet, so you should not celebrate his birthday.
    see this :
    Love, CW

  4. Would really love to see some excerts from "Quotes from Husband Pratt". I think I recall you saying you got all the wives to contribute their memories to it? What a special record to create.

    So great to hear the pageant went well and especially that you found an unexpected ally in Harmonee. Maybe you are right, and when it comes down to it the sister wife bond and love is special enough to overcome personality clashes.

    Wishing you and yours a wonderful 2010, and hoping you continue to chronical it for us all out here in the world. I just love reading your blog and always want to hear more about your family and your teachings.

    Melissa xx


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!