Sunday, December 27, 2009

Getting more spiritaul.

Im real late writing today. Pratt called an early morning prayer meeting for the family. He wanted to be talking about repenting cus he said we all need to be doing it before the end of the year (and some galsre needing it more than others!!) Pratt said we need to be fasting today and tomorrow to) I think thats a real good idea (its good for your health and keeeping your figure to, as well as getting the spirit) Ill probally just drink juice and eat some plain bread to keep going.

Pratts WAY spiritaul. He knew without me even saying much, about Harmonee and LiaHona doing Christmas. (thats why we we're praying this morning and doing the fast to.) Some of the stuff I put in his little red book was things like him saying "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if you want to be getting to the celestial kingdom" and "All you gals need to be in harmony with me if we're wanting to be chosen to go to the new jerusalem". Pratt said to, "follow the prophet", "dont be questioning the teachings of the bretheren - that makes folk go apostate"and "always keep a sweet spirit whatever your doing". Thats SO importent! Somebody was saying about not backbiting about wives. There SO right! Im WAY glad thats not happening in OUR family. Thats what makes us special!

I was thinking about somebody else saying about not just doing polygamy to get to the CK. I guess they werent reading ALL my writing. Polygamys no good just on its own- we're writing a bunch about it cus folk think its real interesting, but theres heaps of other stuff to. I was writing about authoritey, and right groups, and baptising, and faith. So its not just polygamy. I probally need to be writing about united order to, cus Brigham said that polygamy and united order was the "fullness of the gospel" so if we're wanting the best places in the CK we need to be doing that to. Maybe Ill start on it tomorrow.
Got to go.


  1. so what choices are there besides the CK and what goes on in them. i'm thinking i want somewhere without husbands thinkin their boss.

  2. I find it very strange that the IP for your blog is owned by the Salt Lake Tribune.

  3. Honey Dawn,
    What do you do to celebrate New Year's Eve or New Year Day?

  4. I was wondering when someone was going to trace the IP to this blog. It seems so far fetched to me

  5. Anonnymous December 29, 2009 1:21 AM, Pratt says if your a gentile and not living the principle (polygamy) then stuff might be sounding kinda different to you, but when your in the right group (like me) and live polygamy for a WAY long time, then all the stuff we're writing about is just normel. (After a bit itll sound normel to you to, when your getting the spirit to help you.)

  6. wondering how you trace a blogger blog. the IP would go back to google. if someone really did trace this blog back to the tribune, please contact me.


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