The bretheren were talking a bunch about doing repenting, yestrday, just like Pratt. There saying the new yearll probally bring a lot of trouble in the world, and we need to be sure we're OK with god. We're still waiting for stuff to happen in Utah. A few years back when we were having the olympics, a lot of folk in our group were saying we were gonna have a big earthquake, on account of all the extra folk coming to Salt Lake from around the world and putting all that weight on the fault line. The prophet was saying he thought the end might come before we got the olympics. It didnt come yet, but it sure is gonna happen soon I bet.
Pratt was preaching about sacrifice to. He said Joseph Smith was saying
"a religion that does not require the sacrifice of all things does not have the power to exalt"
(exalted means going to the best place in the celestial kingdom.) So Pratt was saying the women need to be sacrificing there feelings and not worrying if there husbands are loving them, and not worrying if there sisterwives are getting more time, cus if your thinking that way your never going to be making it to the CK. He said not to worry to if you had enough in your home and stop looking at sisterwives stuff and being jealous. Women like thatre not fit for the kingdom.
Im WAY glad Im in harmony with Pratt and not jealous like some sisterwives!(Harmonee and LiaHona are complaining about me not going out to work like them, but Pratts preachingll probally make them be quiet about it now.) Some groups dont let there women go out to work, they stay home with there kids and use welfare. Our bretheren are saying dont be doing that, cus it lets the goverment in your life. Some folk in our groupre not listening to that, somere still using welfare. The ones listening to the bretheren are needing to have the sisterwives working cus most guysre not making enough money to be taking care of there big families. Pratt says the bretheren test the guys to, to see if there faithful. Some of the early guys in the church got tested by Joseph Smith - maybe we'll tell you about it tomorrow.
Hi there.
ReplyDeleteHappy New Year!
What options are there for Gentiles when they die, if not the celestial kingdom??
Honey Dawn,
ReplyDeleteThe government should not run our lives, I agree, but we should follow laws of our government.
Hi Cat Whisperer, I wrote about where gentiles go, today. And about keeping the law, its OK, but if gods saying to do something else, then its OK to be breaking it.