Anyways, back to tests. Most times gods folkre not getting the same tests as back in bible and book of mormon times, so god needs to be testing them diffrent. Pratt says we're not getting eaten up by lions or being burned up, and not getting put in prison much (unless your doing child brides) so god had to be thinking up diffrent tests. One of the ways hes doing it is testing folk by stuff the brethernre doing.
Frinstance, you might see one of the bretheren doing something your thinking is WRONG, and thats probally a test to see if your following the bretheren, or leaving the group and being apostate!! The FLDS were getting there priesthood testing when the prophet warren was saying he WASNT the prophet at ALL, and stuff like, he was the WICKEDEST man on the earth, and hed been doing bad stuff with girls!! He was saying it on the phone in jail, to a FLDS guy. The guy, and the FLDS folk couldve BELIEVED it and gone apostate, but the guy listening kept asking "is this a test?" (course, warren wasnt going to be telling HIM that, cus if he DID then it wouldnt of been muchve a test, would it? The guy had to work it out for himself) Even if all the GENTILES were beleiving warren, the FLDS folk just KNEW warren was STILL prophet, cus of there testimonys from god, so they kept on BELEIVING, and following, so they were passing the test.
Other groups get there priesthood tests to. AUB got there Virginia Hill and her missing money test. She was saying AUB stole HEAPS of money from her. (She had bunchesve money in apple boxes and it got taken to the AUB bretheren and they kept it for a bit. Then they said -take it away!!! But nobodys knowing EXACTLY where it went THEN!) The bretheren were thinking it was a nice gift, first off, then they got worried about it. Some folk were thinking the bretheren were doing bad stuff, but the folk with the spirit were knowing it was all a big LIE to make them look bad, specially since Virginia got all the money gambling (she must of been GOOD at it!!)
Joseph Smith did BUNCHESVE tests to, but folk with the spirit KNEW he was still prophet!!!! He did a test once for apostle Heber C Kimball. He asked Heber to let him marry Hebers wife Vilate, as one of his polygamy wives. Heber REALLY liked Vilate to, so it was kinda hard for him, but in the end he took Vilate to get married to Joseph. But then Joseph says "its OK, its just a test!!!" Joseph KNEW then what a great guy Heber was, and he didnt ask for his wife anymore- he just got Heber and Vilates daughter instead, so that was OK. (Her name was Helen and she was 14) It was a good thing Joseph got her Papa to ask Helen to be his polygamy wife, cus she didnt much like the idea first off, but her Papa gave her 24 hours to be making up her mind about it. It was a good thing Joseph came and saw her the next day cus he told her it was real GOOD for her and ALL her family to! He said
"If you will take this step, it will ensure your eternal salvation; exaltation and that of your father’s household &; all of your kindred.[‘] This promise was so great that I willingly gave myself to purchase so glorious a reward."
Even if Vilate wasnt much liking it, it worked out great for her to!
Youve got to be watching out for tests, so you dont leave the true group and become apostate and get to go to outer darkness with the devil - like those runaway brides and some of the guys leaving to!!!!
Pratt says it might be a good thing to be writing about "Lying for the Lord" tomorrow, cus sometimes things can be looking bad when there NOT!
You're a real joke.....even stupidity has limits
ReplyDeleteHi Annonymous -(you know you CAN be using a made up name, so we dont get all mixed up with all the annonymous folk) Glad we're making you smile, but this is not a joke. This is serious stuff!! (And we're NOT saying your stupid, thatd be real mean)
ReplyDeleteSometimes people were tested and didn't even know it, like when the Prophet Joseph married Patty Bartlett Sessions and her husband, David, didn't know about it. I think some men who were bad to their wives got this kind of testing though- I'm not sure.
ReplyDeleteWhat does one do when the prophet says "this is not a test" like Warren did from jail when he was saying he wasn't the prophet?
Thanks for the posts. I look forward to "lying for the Lord".
WC I guess those guys mustve just got blessed somehow for helping out the prophet! About the prophet warren saying "its NOT a test" - well, he HAD to say that, cus if he'd said "yes, its a test", then it wouldnt of BEEN a test, if you see what Im saying?
ReplyDeleteAnonymous 12/30/09 at 8:05 am :
ReplyDeleteYou are an obnoxious gentile. Stop harassing Honey Dawn. If you don't like what she has to say, then I suggest that you don't read this blog.
So do you believe more than one prophet exist right now. cuz you keep talking about warren being a prophet like you believe it.
ReplyDeleteThe bible says you will know a tree by the fruit it bears. If it is bearing bad rotten fruit then it is a bad tree. IF it is a good tree it will bear good fruit.
So lets say one of your priesthood brethren or prophets or whatever comes in and rapes a bunch of 3 year old little kids. are you going to still say the man is your prophet or he is one of the preisthood? Because to me and according to your bible that would mean he was a rotten terrible devil.
Let me tell you something. When God picks someone to be a prophet, he picks the best and not a child rapist.