Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Im not writing for the Tribune!!!

Somebody was saying Ive got a Tribune IP address. Pratt says its something about your computer, but the Tribunes not writing this blog - its me! And Im not thinking the Tribune newspaper up in Salt Lake gets polygamists writing for them! Pratt says they used to be fighting the Mormon church way back in the early days, but now there probally just doing the news. Maybe theyd like me to write some poems for them and pay me? Thatd be great!

Some gal was asking about where to go go after they die, where the guysre NOT telling them what to do. Well, if your not wanting a husband at ALL, you can be a servant in the celestial kingdom, and have the polygamist familys (that means the guys to) telling you what to be doing. If your an OK person and believing in god (but your not in the right group) then you COULD get to the terrestrial kingdom. Theres no marrying there, and you only get to see jesus, not god. You might get visits from the guys up in the celestial kingdom though, cus there allowed to be visiting the lower kingdoms (and they might be telling you what to do, Im not sure about it) The last place you could be going is the telestial kingdom.THeres no husbands and wives there. You can only see the holy ghost (not god or jesus) People who did bad stuff like lying and stealing and killing are going there. (Joseph Smith said its not to bad) If you get sent to outer darkness youll probally get the devil telling you what to do (but thats mostly for the folk who got taught the truth and then didnt want it - like if you were in the true group like me and then said NO WAY IM LIVING POLYGAMY!!!)

I was going to be writing about guys being tested by the priesthood, but Ill keep that till tomoroow, cus there quite a bit to write, and its REAL interesting!


  1. I'll be content going to heaven and seeing Jesus.


  2. Amen, Brother Alinusara !


  3. Alinusara and Cat Whisperer. Im hoping I can get past Joseph Smith and see god, and if I can do all the right stuff Id like to be seeing Jesus to, but theres bunchesve stuff to be doing and we never know if were gonna make it, especially when the betherenre telling us we're pretty bad. We need to be enduring to the end.

  4. Why are the brethren saying that you are pretty bad?


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!