Im WAY glad folkre liking Lawrence Welk and his cute gals!!! Just like me! Anon E Mouse says she likes them, and she was saying her husband watches a pastor guy called Bill, on television (when he cant sleep.) I never saw pastor Bill, but he must be real boring if he sends Anon E Mouses husband back off to sleep again! So Ill probally give pastor Bill a miss (thanks anyways) (and he doesnt sound like hes Mormon fundamentalist, so hes probally not preaching true stuff either.)
Im going to be WAY busy up to the 23rd so I cant write bunches of stuff, but Ill write some. Im busy sewing bonnets! Its TOTALLY exciting!!!! Im hot gluing silk flowers all over, so there looking AWESOME!!!
What we're doing is a pot luck and pajeant, on Joseph Smiths birthday night!!! The pajeant is Joseph Smith and all his cute wives, and Pratt is being Joseph, and all us galsre being wives!!! (Not ALL of the wives cus theres only six of us, and Pratt was saying Joseph got at LEAST 33) The rest of the wives are the Bretherens wives, so its REAL special doing it with them!! (Bunches of other guys wives are WAY wanting to do it to!)
I was wanting to be Eliza R Snow, cus she was the most spiritaul of all the wives (and she was writing poems to, just like me!!) But one of the bretherens wives wanted to do her, so I got Zina Huntington. Shes not the one I was wanting, but shes OK I guess. Im not knowing much about Zina, so Pratt says he'll try and tell me about her when he can, and then Ill tell you about her to. I bet she was real spiritaul, being Joseph Smiths wife.
Im REAL glad Pratts being Joseph. I was thinking itd be one of the bretheren but Pratt got chosen cus hes got WAY blue eyes, just like Joseph. (Some of the gals LOVED his blue eyes)
When we were meeting about the pajeant, last Sunday, Harmonee was saying she wanted to be Sarah Pratt. I thought that was OK, but Pratt said Sarah Pratt was married to apostle Orson Pratt NOT Joseph Smith. So then Harmonee said that didnt matter, cus Joseph married heaps of already married gals, and they were living with Joseph AND there first husband. But then Pratt said Harmonees wrong about Sarah Pratt - She never GOT married to Joseph. Sarah Pratt MADE UP a story about Joseph asking to marry her, and it made her husband Orson real mad!!!! It made Joseph real mad TO!! He was calling her a liar and a real bad woman. She must of been, cus later on she started a nasty club when she came to Salt Lake!! Pratt says it was like those gentile folk I was talking about wanting to help runaway brides. Pratt says it was called the Anti Polygamy Sociaty!! I dont think Harmonee wants to be somebody like that in the pajeant and not a wife even!
Harmonee said it was an easy mistake about Sarah cus Joseph WAS marrying bunches of married gals. Pratt says shes got to be a Partridge sister, but she said she didnt like that even, cus Emma Smith threw them out of the house. Pratt said she HAD to be one. After that she was asking, whose being Joseph Smiths wives OTHER husbands? Pratt told her the bretherenre not doing those!
Well gotto go! My glue guns getting hot already and theres BUNCHES of bonnets left.
Honey Dawn, your bonnets sound so pretty, maybe you can post a picture of one?
ReplyDeleteOh, and it is Pastor Arnold Murray my husband watches when he can't sleep, not Pastor Bill.
Here he is reading from the Bible on YouTube:
Maybe you got him confused with Bill O'Reilly, which might happen if you found this video:
Gosh, it seems back in Joseph Smiths day, women had multiple husbands along with the men.
ReplyDeleteThat pot luck and pageant sounds like fun.
bestest buddies
Gosh, it seems back in Joseph Smiths day, women had multiple husbands along with the men.
ReplyDeleteThat pot luck and pageant sounds like fun.
bestest buddiese
Well they're STILL having multiple husbands down at the YFZ.
They marry the little gals to one husband, then somethin happens and the prophet gets mad, so he kicks the first husband out and signs the gal up with another one.
So it works out for everybody, except for the bad husband he's left scratching his head wondering what the heck went wrong, since nobody will tell him why he got the boot to begin with.
Thats the breaks I guess.
Yes, I would like to see a picture of one of these bonnets too.
ReplyDelete"Thats the breaks I guess."
ReplyDeleteYeah it is the breaks. Lifes a b____, then you die. His business is not your businees.
At any rate, what happens is that they are asked to leave and reflect on what they did wrong, then they are told what the transgression was.
Again, even if what you said was true (it isn't), it still doesn't matter one iota as it is not your problem.
Annonymous Duane(h)(1) Are you Anon E Mouse to?? That makes it REAL confusing - cant you be sticking to just the one name sos we can be knowing who we're talking to? So, are you one of those guys wanting a husband, cos your talking about your husband listening to pastor Arnold? Pratt says - what the heck???
ReplyDeleteAnnonymous Duane(h)(1) Are you Anon E Mouse to?? That makes it REAL confusing - cant you be sticking to just the one name sos we can be knowing who we're talking to? So, are you one of those guys wanting a husband, cos your talking about your husband listening to pastor Arnold? Pratt says - what the heck???
I am Anon E Mouse, not Duane, he's somebody else.
And I already got a husband, don't need or want another one.
Your pageant sounds like so much fun, wish I could see it :)
Anonymous Duane,
ReplyDeleteHow do you have such intimate knowledge of what REALLY goes on in the FLDS? are you a member of that religion ? ... because you sure do seem to have a lot of faith or belief in their leaders, and it seems that no one else outside their group does...
Do you really think it is appropriate for a man in his 40's or 50's to be married to a 12-16 yr old girl, especially when it is against the law?
Duane, since your writing TWO letters right here, and there JUST the same, and one starts Anon E Mouse, and ends with Duane, we're thinking your telling fibs. Pratt says he can think of some other names for you to be using for yourself, but he wasn't telling me what they are. Im thinking if your FLDS, the prophet warren wont be liking it (unless your lying for the lord?)