Thursday, December 17, 2009

Polygamy wivesre OK in Utah!

I worked REAL hard on the bonnets yesterday and then I went and burnt my hand REAL bad with the glue gun!! I tried putting honey on it, but it was still hurting bad all day, so I called Pratt to come in and give me a blessing when he came home from work, before he went over to Celestial Rainbows trailer.

LiaHona was WAY glad he came in cus her little kidsve been crying about not seeing there papa at all, and not seeing there mom much, cus shes out working. Its been a sacrifice having him over at Celestial Rainbows all the time, but we know we'll be WAY blessed in the Celestial Kingdom for it! (And its good for the little kids to stop being selfish.)

We went upstairs to my room so itd be quiet for the blessing and Pratt said real nice stuff again. He says Im a light to all the sisterwives and a "teacher of truth to the gentiles!!!!" I LOVE getting blessings from him.!!!
When we went downstairs, later, he stopped to talk to me and LiaHona some, about the troubles down in Texas for the FLDS, and ANOTHER guy going to prison! Some of the sisterwivesre worried about getting there kids taken away, but Pratt says not to worry. First off, we're in UTAH, not Texas. As long as we're not doing child brides we're pretty much OK and we're not doing that now. (The gals pretty much need to be 18. ) He said that attorney genral guy, Mark shurtleffs, an OK guy, and pretty nice to us polygamy folk. Its OK about us breaking the law about doing polygamy - Marks not minding about it, and nobodies doing anything about it in Utah. After a lot of folk got mad with the Texas law, about all the kids getting taken away in Texas, the judges in Utahre scared to go after polygamy guys. There not wanting all the trouble in the news about religious presecution. He says a lot of judges granpas and granmas were polygamy folk too, and that helps a bunch! That makes us WAY happy!!! (If nasty folk're mean to us, we just say there presecuting us, and it makes THEM look real bad.)

Pratt was gonna tell us some more stuff about some guy in our group who had a runaway bride and how it worked out OK for him even when she went to the law, but he didnt get time. Maybe I'll call him later and ask about it.

The older kidsre getting some trouble with the little kids there teaching in home school - AGAIN! So I need to be looking in on them today. Pratt says to make sure there doing Joseph Smith history all this week and next, cus his birthdays coming real soon. Its important to get plenty of priesthood history for the kids. We do SOME US history, but not much - they need stuff to get them into the Celestial Kingdom, not a bunch of stuff about the world.

Pratt says hi to everybody.
PS everybody wants to see the bonnets. There AWESOME but we cant do pitchers - like I said Pratts cameras broke and he cant get it fixed right now - we need the money for the 4plex.


  1. Honey Dawn, that's terrible you burnt your hand with the glue gun! I hope it gets better soon and doesn't leave a scar.

  2. for future reference, in the event of a burn, do not apply honey.
    Apply a thin film of silvadene cream to the affected area twice daily.

    Enjoy your blog.

    From an Anonymous MD

  3. is it traditional to make such bonnets for Joseph Smith day?

  4. Chatelaine,
    No its not. This is WAY special and Im thinking if its good we might be doing it again.

  5. Worrying and stressing out over the possibility the police may come a knockin' to take your children for no other reason than that another unrealted polygamist misbehaved must really be tough.
    Kudos to you and Pratt for sticking to your beliefs. What this country needs is a little more toleration for those whose religious beliefs are "different".

    Perasonally, I find it ironic to be defending fundie mormons in light of the fact that I'm agnostic.

    bestest buddies



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