Sunday, December 13, 2009

Runaway Brides and concentration camps.

Well, Annonymous Duane(h)(1)'s back again (after Pratt got rid of ANOTHER letter of his) Its OK Duane, Im doing what your saying and holding on to the things Im knowing and believing! Its taken me a way long time to be knowing what I know and Im not just throwing it away - no matter WHAT folk say!

I didnt KNOW about the concentration camps in Texas!!!!!!! - thats WAY shocking!!!! (I didnt know what concentration camps were so I got Pratt to be looking it up) How many FLDS got killed in them? Somebody needs to be stopping it right away!!! I dont think they should be letting Germans be running things in the USA!!! Thats never happening in Utah, so don't be worrying about us.

I should put in some of Duanes letter so you can be understanding what Im talking about. This is what he said-

Perhaps Celestian Rainbow would be better off with a divorce or "release", whatever they call it. You and pratt can give a little money and send her to one of those "savin' the child brides" or "travesty of polygamy" rescue ranger groups. They will give her plenty of cash and a place to stay. A great thing about being a polyg, if you decide to leave, theres all these groups that will give them lots of money and stuff...You, Pratt and Celestial Rainbow can make a deal whereas CRainbow claims she is an "escapee" from polygamy...Then she tells everyone she was abused, chained in a closet, and forced to dig sewer lines. She can then do the talk show circuit, maybe write a book, makes lotso cash... Since she was a polygamist, everyone will take whatever she says as the gospel truth,... the more cash and benefits she will receive...
NO WAY is Pratt letting Celestial Rainbow be getting a release or doing any of that stuff to make money! Pratt was telling me about all those gentile folk out there just WAITING to help polygamy women and kids run away! Its not right! Why is it, when polygamy gals run away there ALL telling lies, every single one of them!!! There not saying anything about the great life they were having back in polygamy and how there sisterwives were way loving to them, and how much there husbands were amazing nobel preisthood holders and how there are all these wonderful guys for there little gals to be marrying (when they grow up). They shouldnt be giving runaway brides a place to stay and food..THEN there helping them  get an education and jobs to - its sickening! If there sleeping under a bridge with there kids theyd soon learn to get back home to there priesthood heads real quick!!

I can't BELIEVE some folk were saying I was Carolyn and Flora Jessop when I was first writing my blog! Why would they be thinking THAT? Can you believe it? Pratt was telling some about those gals. Was it Carolyn had that wonderful FLDS sisterwife Barbara that just passed? And she never appreciated her one little bit!

Pratt says I should be writing the names of some of those folk out in the world that help gals run away, sos nobody gets tricked into going with them. There was Tapestry Against Polygamy - (but they just closed down) Then theres Shield and Refuge, and  Help the Child BridesHope Organisation, and theres another new one called Holding out HELP  Pratt says there real tricky and  pretending some polygamy gals arent real educated and need help! Pratt said to put in a coupla links so you can see for yourselves just what these folk are like. So STAY AWAY from them!

Celestial Rainbows being real quiet now so I think she's repenting. Pratts making her stay home after Christmas, taking care of the babies. That'll make sure shes not seeing that young guy again. She said she wasnt doing anything wrong, just talking, but you cant be to careful, specially when he was about the same age as her. These young kids dont know how to behave right these days. My mother made sure I wasnt around guys at all till I was married to Heelaman and thats best.

Have a peaceful and sweet sabbath.


  1. Hi Honey Dawn,
    Thanks for publicizing the work of the Shield and Refuge Ministry.
    You can view their videos and their weekly TV program in its entirety by googling Polygamy : What Love Is This ?

  2. Hi Chatelaine - polygamy gals need to be knowing what these folk out in the world are trying to do! All that helping runaway brides is WAY wrong!!! I heard some of the runawaysre practically millionares with all the money there getting! Its a BIG temptation for some young gals - its the devils work!

  3. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  4. Thanks for your insights. You're a bit hard to follow at times, but what I can understand is informative, funny, and enlightening. Keep up the good posting!

  5. This comment has been removed by the author.

  6. Honeydawn, you seem to really be fascinated by my comments as I have been the main topic of several of your posts.
    I would say most of what Carolyn, Elissa, and Brent Jeffs in their books is true, but only a few bs statements and unsubstantiated generalizations is all it takes to rouse up naive readers and erroneously conclude their experiences apply to ALL fundie mormons. I'm too tired to elaborate but perhaps I will at a later time.
    Bottom line is this: Everyone should be judged individually and not collectively. I am agnostic and have one wife. However, If my wife and I decide to bring in an extra woman to be a 2nd wife and we convert to Mormonism, no one including FJessop, Marci Hamilton, Jancis Andrews, or Nancy Mereska have a right to dictate what kind of familial or sexual relationship we are allowed to have no matter how many "child brides" Warren Jeffs, Joe Blow Steed, Billy Bob Barlow, or John smith are alleged to have married.
    It is really a simple concept if you think about.
    Since you are a polygamist I'm sure you understand exacly what I'm sayin', your family business is not my business.

    bestest buddies


  7. HoneyDawn, don't let Duane's delusions bother you (or his foul language). He doesn't understand being kind and gracious like you do. I mean, look at his fantasy that you're somehow focused on HIM -- like you don't respond to almost everyone who asks you a question! He's WAY rude and I'm not sure why he keeps coming here to try and stir up trouble but I know I LOVE coming and reading about your family and what's going on. Please keep right on sharing!

  8. Rebeckah, I was suggesting to Honeydawn that she ought not make me a persistent subject of her blog postings. It is better to keep debates within the comments section and reserve the main posts for new topics. However, it is her blog and she can do whatever she wants.

    Just givin' ya some friendly advice Honeydawn...since we are buddies and all.


  9. Duane(h)(1) Sorry your not liking being on our page. (We were thinking youd probally like it.) The letters folk are writing are WAY important, and me and Pratt like to be talking about them and be answering questions. You say your our bestest buddy but Pratts thinking we dont have buddies writing some of the stuff your writing. (Pratt couldnt put up a few of your letters.) But maybe your repenting now so we're praying for you. Thanks for you're advice but Pratts the preisthood head so he knows whats best.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!