Chastitees husband, Celestial Rainbow's papa, went off and joined another group but she was wanting to stay and needed a husband, so the bretheren said to Pratt it might be a good idea for him. He knew the family pretty much before, and Pratts boy Lorin Adaerall knew Celestial Rainbow pretty well from Sunday School. Pratt was wanting to make his kingdom bigger, so both gals spent some time with the family, and Pratt liked them both, so they both married him the same time. It wasnt like Celestial Rainbow was ever like a daughter to him (not like the Partridge sisters and Joseph)
I took just a little listen to some of the Juniper Creek Christmas songs Stamp was saying about, to see what truths they were teaching. If there Short Creek (it got changed to Colorado City later) then some of its not quite right. FLDS WERE doing Christmas back in the prophet Rulons time, but Warren said it was a pagan holiday (Pratts saying the same, but some of our people arent thinking the same way about it, so it gets tricky with the kids)
The other thing was about not drinking. The LDS Mormons are REAL strict about no alcahol, but some groups like FLDS are not that strict. I met a couple of FLDS priesthood council guys, years back, and they DEFNITELY liked alcahol. I dont know what Warrens saying now, cus hes made BUNCHES of changes! The last AUB prophet didnt mind sharing a bottle of wine sometimes to, and thats OK cus Joseph Smith and the early bretheren were drinking. The prophet John Taylor was drinking with a lady called Mrs Moon once and he said her bottle of wine was great! We get wine sometimes for the sacarament and it helps you feel the spirit more. Thats Ok cus thats what the early members were doing in the days of Joseph Smith when they got all the visions in the Kirtland temple. If you do fasting and praying you get the spirit a lot. Pratt said to put in this writing one pioneer did about the Kirtland temple -
When we had fasted for 24 hours and partaken of the Lord's supper, namely a piece of bread as big as your double fist and a half pint of wine in the Temple. I was there and saw the Holy Ghost descend upon the heads of those present like cloven tongues of fire." - Diary of Charles L. Walker 1855-1902, excerpts typed 1969, page 35.
(I put in this cute pic for Polygamy Porter cus its a Utah beer Pratt likes)
Harmonee, LiaHona and Celestial Rainbowre going into town today to the movie theater.(Harmonee and LiaHona are calling her Rainy! I think its rude to Chastitee cus she CHOSE that name for her little girl, not that made up one!!!!) Anyways, I told them to be taking back the new clothes with tags and get some money back. That will make Pratt happier. Im feeling a touch better today so I think Ill ride into town to, and go to DI while the rest are watching some dumb movie!
Have an AWESOME day!
I did not know that fundamentalist Mormons were permitted to watch movies.
ReplyDeleteWhat ratings are you permitted to view - G, PG13, R, ?
Hi Keeping Sweet, its different depending on the groups. The bretheren just tell us not to be seeeing bad stuff so G or PGs best.