Thursday, December 10, 2009

Secret wives are OK!

First off, folk have been WAY nice to me in my Duane trials!!! Im WAY glad Pratt is my protecter and reads all the letters so I dont need to be looking at nasty stuff!! Thats why us gals need a guy looking after us! If Pratt wasnt a nobel priesthood holder Im thinking he mightve done something bad to Duane if he'd been around. But he's not like guys out in the world. Pratt is real special!

Pratt says I should be saying about SECRET WIVES becos not everybody knows about them. I was saying it wouldnt BE secret if folk were knowing, but he said to say anyway.

I was saying yesterday about the golf guy and all his gals and wondering if he was in polygamy with secret wives, but Anon E Mouse was telling me hes black and married to a white gal. I never knew that so I guess hes not in polygamy but theres heaps of groups out there and maybe Im not knowing them all.

Pratt doesnt need to be having secret wives cos we're all REAL happy to be in the Principle, but some galsre not liking it much, so the guys need to be secret about it. There was a guy in my cousin Teancums group, who met his first wife in high school. She grew up in there group but she wasnt liking polygamy AT ALL!!! The guy wanted to be marrying her and she said yes, as long as he wasnt gonna be doing polygamy. He said yes to that, which was kinda dumb.

Anyways after they were married for a way long time, he was thinking about him not getting to the top in the celestial kingdom cos he heard the bretheren preaching all the time about needing polygamy, so he got REAL worried about it. He didnt want to be living with the devil some time, so he talked about it with the bretheren and they said he could be having a secret wife. Thats not to hard in some groups, cos they have communities all over. Take the AUB - there in Montana, Wyoming, Utah, Arizona and even down in Mexico, SO if the guy gets a travelling job like construction, or selling stuff, its not to hard to get a secret wife. Trouble was, the guys wife found out cos some out of state gal was giving her congratulations about being in polygamy now!

It was REAL bad. Im not knowing what was happening exactly but the guys first wife got all upset about it and stopped eating and doing anything at all and she had to go into a specail part of the hospital for a spell. They were talking about her being depressed (I dont believe in depression) In the end the secret wife got sick of not seeing the guy enough and she didnt want him around any more and neither did the first wife, so it wasnt working to good for him. (Secret wives are OK to do cos Joseph Smith had to do it. Ill probally tell you about it tomorrow.)

All the gals know about Celestial Rainbow now. Harmonee and Liahona say there feeling sorry for her, cos shes only 19 and still real young with it.  I said thats not real smart to be saying, cos she needs to be repenting right now and thats easier if no ones being nice. They never listen. They say there taking her to the movie theater Saturday! I guess theyll be eating popcorn to, when she needs to be fasting! I'll pray for them.

Melissa was saying itd be good for Celestial Rainbow to be doing stuff for the Poly Pre Teen mag. Shes probally right but Id need to be guiding her. Pratt might like it. Ill ask him.

Theres heaps of great new questions from folk like Chatelaine and the others, and I WILL be getting to them - like what I do for a living, do I ever get jealous, is polygamy hard, and how many more babies Im wanting.

Im glad Pratt calls me at night so I can have real long talks with him, even if hes not sleeping over. Im not feeling so good today, so I might be needing him come over and give me a blessing tonight after he gets home. I dont like to be bothering him but he takes his priesthood serious and likes us gals to call on him when we need a spiritaul gift. Hes AWESOME and a worthy priesthood guy!


  1. I know I'm jumping to major conclusions here, but could you not feeling well perhaps mean that you might have your much wanted baby on the way? I have my fingers crossed for you.

    My letter that went missing concerned Celestial Rainbow's transition from Pratt's step daughter to wife. Did they have a special bond before they married? How did she, Pratt and the family handle her transition from daughter to wife?

    Thankyou as always for sharing with us.

    Melissa xx

  2. I wouldn't be saying anything about other groups when you really don't know what your talking about. First off, the "AUB" group does not have secret wifes, never has had secret wives and never will have secret wives. Secret wives is just another way of saying your cheating. (to us at least) I would know, I'm in the AUB group.

  3. Are you pregnant, Honey Dawn ???
    I didn't know about Mormon secret wives, I thought that only Moslems have secret wives

  4. Hello Honeydawn, I read quite often but I don't comment. So YAY for my first comment. Anyhow, I just wanted to say that Instead of you calling pratt, I think it would be wise for you to let Pratt and celestial rainbow have some privacy. I know you may not feel well and you probably miss him but to me this is an emergency concerning Celestial Rainbow. I know pratt wouldn't mind taking your call because he seems to be a good man but still, you should try to give him and her some space for a while. Like you said, she is young and you just have to understand how it is to be her age especially this day and time. I have seen you mention the use of TV in your homes. Well the media has came in and corrupted our youth. The media really glamorizes sin. It makes it tempting and appealing to the young especially.
    The media puts all kinds of filth in our youngsters heads. They portray dating and fornication as something wonderful. The media makes the form fitting and show every curve and maybe a bit of skin fashion as something popular and cool. And it makes younger ones feel that if they aren't wearing it and fitting it with the rest of the world then they are not cool. Really I suggest you all take all the TV's out of your home especially in front of younger ones.. I mean she is only 19 honeydawn. Her purity needs to be guarded safely. I also suggest that pratt finds her a different job where she doesn't have contact with men. Maybe a daycare or something. Or maybe let the other wife go to work and put celestial rainbow to watching the children.

    Anyhow, I hope I haven't offended you or anyone else. That is not my intentions.

  5. A Big Love MERRY Christmas EVERYone can enjoy!

    Watch your favorite polygamists celebrate Christmas and here the many songs!

    For slow speed connections, go right to this one song, which to me is an ode to Barbara Jessop:

    ------------ ---------


  6. Welcome BN, hope you like my blog! Stamp, thanks for the links but I wont be listening till April 6th - thats REAL Chritsmas! And Juniper Creek - thats one group Pratt and me arent knowing about. We know Short Creek but I dont think there doing Christmas and anyways Im pretty sure there not putting there music on the internet. Hi Melissa, Ill be saying more about Celestial Rainbow, its just real hard to be saying much right now with what shes been doing.

  7. lol, and the joke continues...
    this is cheap entertainement,you still think anyone believes your stories????

  8. Honeydawn

    I KNOW you dont celibrate Christmas, but the folks at HBO think that the FLDS do!

    Juniper Creek = Short Creek!

    Roman = Rulon!

    So they made up a cute series of songs for them!

    You can still listen to the words!

    Its more about polygamy than Christmas anyway! They explain things in the songs so it may help some gentiles know what goes on in the lifestyle!

    This one is great!


  9. Hi Stamp, I GET it now! It must of been back when Warrens papa Rulon Jeffs was prophet. I think they might of being doing Christmas back THEN. Maybe Ill be doing some listening cus its not like its celebrating or anything, and it could be a good way to be preaching the truth.

  10. Perhaps Celestian Rainbow would be better off with a divorce or "release", whatever they call it. You and pratt can give a little money and send her to one of those "savin' the child brides" or "travesty of polygamy" rescue ranger groups. They will give her plenty of cash and a place to stay. A great thing about being a polyg, if you decide to leave, theres all these groups that will give them lots of money and stuff.
    I bet monig wifes who leave their spouses are really jealous of all the attention polyg wives git.
    Better yet, You, Pratt and Celestial Rainbow can make a deal whereas CRainbow claims she is an "escapee" from polygamy, but not tell anyone who her family was lest they may do a "hit" on her.
    Then she tells everyone she was abused, chained in a closet, and forced to dig sewer lines. She can then do the talk show circuit, maybe write a book, makes lotso cash and gives you and pratt a cut of it. Since she was a polygamist, everyone will take whatever she says as the gospel truth, the more horrible she potrays her "live as a polyg", the more cash and benefits she will receive.
    Sounds like a plan?

    your bestest buddie


  11. Honey Dawn,
    Just ignore Duane the Gentile.
    Of course you don't want to give up your sister wife! What is he suggesting ?

  12. @ Anonymous 12/11 8:34
    Why do you hate polygamists so much?
    I am sick of reading your crap.
    Why don't you go post at some anti - polygamy blog, there are enough of them. You don't need to waste your time posting here, we don't care what you think anyway.

  13. Just listned to those juniper creek songs. Very beautiful and very catchy!! Thankyou for sharing.

    I am appalled that Duane would suggest that you abandon Celestial Rainbow. And not just abandon her, but do it under false pretenses for financial gain. No wonder you think so badly of us Gentiles sometimes. Please know that most of us want the best for you and all of your sisterwives. The quorum seems to work, with the occasional hiccup of course, but it generally seems to work very well and yoursifferent characters seem to offset each other beautifully . Pratt us a very luckyman. I understand why you don't want to post picks, but a brief description of each family members appearance and personality would help to give us a rounded picture of your wonderful family.

    Melissa xxxx


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!