I was pretty sick yesterday and stayed in bed most all of the day reading the scriptures and drinking my garlic and herb tea. I think its having all LiaHonas kids in my home with runny noses, and I need to be replacing all the onions around the house cus there sprouting and probally dont take in all the jerms so well. (Melissa and Keeping Sweet were thinking I was having some good news, being sick, but Im not being blessed babywise - yet)
I was thinking about what to be writing and I should be telling you some about Joseph Smith getting some secret wives, to show its OK to do it.
WWR was writing to me from AUB about it. They said I dont know anything about there group and secret wives. Trouble is, there not knowing WHAT group Pratt and me are in. You could be WAY surprised what we DO know! We COULD be AUB even and you COULD be knowing us! I dont know folk with WWR letters in there name. Im knowing plenty of Allred, Jensens and Thompsons, but the only R name Im knowing is Rogers, but no WW Rogers (is that Wilford Woodruff?) WWR was saying secret wives are cheating, but Im thinking hes not understanding? Maybe WWRs new to AUB and not gathered yet? Secret wives are REAL sealed wives. Theres no adultry cus the priesthood make it a legal sealing. As far as I know AUBre still following Joseph Smith and believing in all the stuff he was doing, and he did secret wives. Does WWR think he was doing wrong?
Keeping Sweet was thinking only Muslins get secret wives, but thats not true. Maybe they got the idea from Joseph Smith? In the beginning of polygamy Joseph knew his wife Emma would be having trouble with it, so his first polygamy wife and some others were secret ones. His first new secret wife Fanny wasnt out of state, she was helping out at Josephs place and was living in, so it wasnt to hard to do.
THEN Joseph and Emma were taking in the two Partridge sisters, little Emily and her big sister Eliza. They were like adopted, cus there papa died and there mom. The girls were WAY happy and were saying Joseph and Emma were just like a mom and papa to them!! Cute! THEN the prophet got the revelation about them and got his secret marriage to both of them. He kept it REAL quiet from Emma. When he was telling Emma later about polygamy, he said she could choose some wives for him, and guess what?! she was choosing Emily and Eliza - so it must of been the spirit telling her it was true!!!! (Joseph wasnt saying to Emma about them being married ALREADY to him) so he did another fake marriage, with Emma there this time.
Im not saying theres heaps of secret wives cus in a lot of the groups like AUB, most guys just TELL there wives there taking another wife. If she doesnt like it she can say so, but the guy can just go ahead and take the new wife anyway. I guess the secret thing is more for when he doesnt want a wife being all upset and maybe leaving. I dont think FLDS are doing secret wives cos there gals just get placed and theres no worrying about if wives like it or not - they just do what the prophet says cus he knows best.
It was kinda sad the Partridge sisters got kicked out of the house later. Emma was still having problems about polygamy, and the sisters werent seeing to much of Joseph after that cus he was WAY busy with all the wives and all the real important prophet work to.
What with being in bed most all day I thought some fresh air would be good for me so I went out walking past the trailers last night. I was walking past Harmonee's trailer and when I was going past I was seeing colored lights through the windows, just before somebody closed the blinds real quick! I knocked on the door just to say hi but Harmonee comes to the door in her robe and all the lightsre off. Shes saying shes just going to bed,(but shes wearing her street clothes under the robe). Then suddenly Im hearing Christmas music!! Harmonee says shes got to go and shuts the door.
Like I said before we DONT do Christmas cos Pratt says its a pagan holiday.
Celestial Rainbows trailer was all dark so I didnt knock. When I got home I was feeling REAL sick again and needed a blessing, so I called Pratts phone. It rang for a real long time but there was no answer. By then I was REAL sick, so I went and got one of LiaHonas kids to run down to Celestial Rainbows trailer and knock on the door for me and tell Pratt he needed to come.
It was quite a while before Pratt came and he looked real tired, but he gave me the blessing. He blessed me for my health but he was saying all this nice stuff to, that god was wanting me to know, like what a great wife I am and how sweet I am to my sisterwives and what a comfort I am to Pratt. It was WAY beautiful and it made me cry!
Pratt was real chilled cus he walked up to my home, so I told him to warm himself under the covers for a while, so he did, but he was real tired and fell asleep. I didnt want to wake him, so he was still here this morning when I woke up! I sure hope Celestial Rainbows not minding, but Im pretty sure she'll be seeing how important it is to watch out for Pratts health.
Somebody was asking if I get jealous of the other sisterwives? NO WAY!!! I never ONCE did! I never got that babylon spirit about ME! Pratt says its on account of me being so spiritaul, and having so much experience in the Principle. Some women want there husband around a lot, to talk to and to be held, and to do things with, and to go off on fun trips with. They want to be knowing there husbands not off with other women and spending the night somewhere else.They want a guy who'll be around for her kids and helping her raise them, cus he can be there every night to be with her and the kids. They want enough money for food and clothes. I think thats WAY selfish of her and her kids!!! I dont want any of that cus I understand I cant get to the Celestial Kingdom unless Im giving up all that silly stuff and letting Pratt do what our prophets say to do! Im WAY happy doing polygamy and ALL our gals are! We're a real SPECIAL family!
Do you think Pratt has secret wives ???
ReplyDeleteI was wondering if you knew Barbara Jessop? I know you have mentioned having relatives in other groups.
ReplyDeleteIt is so sad her little girl has been left without her mother and without her husband.
Hope you feel better soon, and I'm sorry to hear you don't have a little Pratt on the way yet.
Melissa xx
Keeping Sweet NO WAY Pratts got secret wives! Thats fo rthe guys with one wife having problems about polygamy. Were all living it and loveing it!
ReplyDeleteMelissa, no I didnt know Barb, but Im hearing she was a WAY interesting gal.
Barbara was a "raid child". She was born when her people were attacked and their children kidnapped, she lived to see history repeat itself and have her children kidnapped. Seems to be a 50 year cycle. The FLDS people are like a Timex wristwatch. They take a lickin' and keep on tickin'.
ReplyDeleteGod bless Barbara Jessop, she has gone to a better place where she will no longer be subject to hatred, vilification, and bigotry.
Honeydawn, you, your sisterwives and Pratt ought to say your prayers. If this pogram doesnt stop, Who knows when the police will be bustin' down your doors to arrest your family, rip your children from you and incarcerate all of you in a concentration camp.
Honeydawn, In spite of all of this, stay true to your faith, family, and community, it will only make you stronger.
Bestest friends
if Barbara didn't want her children taken away by the government maybe she should not have given her 12 yr old daughter up to be married to a man in his forties....
ReplyDeletejust a thought.
I think Duane likes the idea of a 12 yr old girl getting married to an older man, don't you, Duane ?