Wednesday, December 2, 2009

Where are Pratts clothes?

Pratts got to go to an early meeting with the bretheren today and he came around looking for his best jacket, but he never left it here so he was feeling kinda mad cos it was making him late! I keep saying he needs to keep good clothes at ALL the trailers and my house so he wont have to go chasing round  all the time! He says that doesn't work cos it depends where he ends up when hes wearing stuff. I guess hes right about it. Hes got BUNCHES of clothes already and he STILL never has what he wants in the right place! I dont like it much when the nice stuff I get him ends up at somebodies place where they dont take care of it right - or I end up with some ugly thing to wash! I made him a nice wool sweater for his birthday last year and LaBlessing threw it in a hot wash!

I make sure Pratts shirts and ALL his dirty clothes get washed the NEXT day right after hes slept over. That way he ALWAYS gets clean stuff when hes with ME. Its WAY important to take care of your man!! I sure wish some of the OTHER sisterwives were thinking about it more, cos I know when he goes to Celestial Rainbows hes NEVER got clean stuff to wear. She says she just forgets. I dont know why - she hasnt got kids yet! She goes to work but shes got HEAPS of time when she gets back! She needs to settle down some now shes married.

She went to the movies the other day with LiaHona to see that dumb New Moon movie. (NOT something Pratt would be happy with!!!) When they got back she came in with LiaHona and she was going on about the guy in it. She was saying she thinks hes WAY handsome and cute! I told her married women shouldnt be saying stuff like that! LiaHona said that Pratt always says if he thinks a GALS cute. I told them thats diffrent cos its OK for men to do that. So she says "what even for married men?" I told her COURSE its OK cos there always looking for another wife!

I asked Pratt about telling about ALL the groups like Keeping Sweet was asking. He wasnt sure if that was OK cos he doesnt want anybody joining the wrong group, and we know most about OUR group. But hes thinking we could be writing SOME about the groups we know cos weve got family in a couple of them. Hes going to be thinking what to say and Ill be writing it some time soon, so just keep reading.

Some of the big kids teaching home school in the trailersve been having trouble with a coupla smaller kids, so Im going round today to see whats going on. I need to wash my hair first so I look a good example for them, so got to run!
PS Melissa, my kids and grankids were over all the time before LiaHona moved in, but its WAY crowded now. Im thinking of visiting for a coupla days but I dont know Pratt can be without me for THAT long. VIAGRA Viagra Viagra


  1. Honeydawn, I love reading about your misadventures and all the hijinx that goes along with living a religious polygamist lifestyle.
    Your life is definately not boring and many of us find it rather charming and even "cute". In fact, reading your blog makes me even more supportive of religious tolerance and especially polygamist groups. Some people just need to understand that when you point your finger at someone, 3 fingers are pointing back at you.
    I hope you and your family will continue to live in peace unmolested by anti-polyg bigots like Tripleap Lady, Flora, BJohnson, name a few.

    It makes me sad to think that polyg bigots would like nothing more than to see you, Pratt, and your sisterwives jailed and your family ripped apart soley because you are "different" and wear "funny" clothes.



    ps: i don't believe your blog is a fake, no siree!

  2. Thanks Duane! Glad your reading! Some folk think Im Flora and Carolyn Jessop! Glad your seeing the truth!

  3. I love you too Honey Dawn ! Keep on blogging !


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!