Thursday, December 3, 2009

Australian red indians and the FLDS

Melissa was telling me the dark skin folk in Australia where shes living DIDNT come from Africa. They came from around the other side in the Pacific. That  makes it WAY easier to know where they were coming from!! There probally the same as the islander folk. Theres heaps of them in Utah!! The LDS Mormons are saying there book of Mormon folk, cos there were guys who sailed away from the USA in the book of Mormon (after Lehi was landing in America) and nobody was seeing much of them after that. I guess they were looking for some nice beaches to land on and there was a big storm or something and then they got blown away and they found some great beaches there in Australia instead. Then they had to wait for the righteous white guys to arrive and show them what was right (just like our pilgrims and pioneers!) So all the brown guys and gals in the islands in the Pacific are Lehis grankids,  and your guys in Australiare probally from Lehi to and Laman, like the red indians. So there brown not black. Im WAY glad we got the answer for you!

Im getting new friends following and its REAL nice to have you reading! Theres Becca Blue and Ellie Great and Keygirl4. There not writing me letters yet but we're happy your here learning the truth!! Theres a BUNCH of folk called Annonymous. I was thinking it was all the same guy but Pratt found out there NOT all the same! Its kinda confusing so I think you all should make up a cute name and use that so I can know whose writing me. (If you dont know some good names I can give you ideas - Im WAY good at choosing special names!)

Duane was saying some REAL nice stuff about us! Duane your SO right!!! Our lives are WAY cute and fun and holy! People presecute polygamists just cos we dont LOOK and talk the same as everybody in Babylon!! Take the Texas FLDS - folk are always presecuting them, cos they dont like the gals hair and dresses. That is SO MEAN!!!

Now we're talking about them, Pratt says I can be telling you about the FLDS some. (remember we're STILL not saying what group we're in, so when we get to our group we'll just be pretending like we're talking about any old group.)

The Mormon LDS get mad cos there names a lot like the FLDS. The church name of the Mormon LDS is the church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (folk call them mormons or latter-day saints or LDS) and the FLDS church names the fundamentalist church of jesus christ of latter-day saints (some folk are calling them pligs) (so you can see why some folksre getting confused!) What a lot of folk think is ALL polygamist mormons are FLDS, but theres HEAPS of polygamy groups. A bunch of stuff is the same in most groups - like youve GOT to be living polygamy to get to heaven, and Joseph Smith, and the BOM and Doctrine and Covenenants, and Pearl of great price scriptures, and the blacks and red indians. But theres other stuff thats different and we'll try and tell you some of it. Probally not all of it today cos itd take way to long.

Folk need to know that the Texas FLDS are WAY more righteous than the Utah and Arizona FLDS. There still in the same group, but most of the folk living in Utah and Arizonare running to the mailbox or waiting by the phone every day to see if there special invitations come yet. When it comes it means there good enough to live on the ranch in Texas. The prophet bought it first for hunting and then he got a revelation for it to be for the top guys and wives (or maybe he got it FIRST for the top guys and THEN said it was for hunting to? Im not sure about that) Even some of the kids got left behind in Utah and Arizona cos there not good enough yet. All the left behind folk are getting more righteous all the time cos the prophet blessed them by letting them pay for most stuff on the Texas ranch, which is WAY kind of him.

Too much to write today about FLDS. Ill do more tomorrow.

Some folkve been saying they like Harmonee and what she says, and her poems. Im WAY happy you like my sisterwife cos I LOVE her to, but just be remembering some of the stuff shes sayings NOT group teachings. Pratt said yesterday when he was looking for his jacket, he wants me getting closer to her kids so they get some true teachings. All the kids call me mother HoneyDawn, cos Im one of there other mothers. But Harmonee has her kids call me Aunt! She says SHE carried them for 9 months and SHE was up in the night with them, and shes not having them call some other woman, MOTHER!. I think thats way rude, but its OK cos Pratt is trying to get them to call me mother HoneyDawn and he wants them to spend a lot more time with me, so Im going to be working hard to get them like me. He says for me to work with Celestial Rainbow to, so she can be more grown up and adolt like me.

Have an AWESOME day.


  1. Honeydawn, you are so funny!
    Actually, heaps of shortcreekers didn't want to come to texas cuz they missed Utah and the mountains too much. Many of the kids decided to stay behind with their aunts and uncles cuz as Warren told some young'uns freshly arrived at YFZ that there would be no fun and games as they had a Temple and community to build from scratch in the Texas brush country. Plus it doesn't snow much down in Texas, many would misse the nearby mountains and winter sports.
    As far as who is the most righteous bunch of them all...that is an issue for the fundie Mormons, not us Gentiles. Maybe the shartcreekers, AUB and YFZ'ers could have a contest to see who is the most "righteous"...again not our problem.

    btw, about some kids getting booted from YFZ and sent back to short creek for misbehavin' stepson got booted from his dad's house in Houston for being irresponsible and he was sent away to Austin to stay with us. I remember a long time ago my brother was sent away to AZ to live with my grandma in order to straighten him out.
    Golly you fundie mormons are so much like us gentiles.


  2. Thankyou for your explanations about the origins of pacific islanders and (maybe?) Australian Aborigines. So does that make them Lamanites? I'm afraid we here in Australia are STILL waiting for the rightous to arrive and show us the true doctrine. The indiginous people here were told that Anglicanism and Catholicism were the paths to salvation, although many if them still hold to their old dreamtime religion. But although you do see the occasional Mormon missionary, and I am pretty sure they even have a temple or two here, noone is teaching Mormon polygamy. Has your church considered sending missionaries? There are plenty of white girls here looking for husbands. Plenty of (maybe) Lamanites, many of whom are getting whiter each generation too. I was wondering about that. Your church said to marry American Indian girls to give them nice white babies, would you give white wives to an American Indian man for the same purpose? I know some aboriginal nations here (Australia used to be hundreds of different nations before white settlement) used to practice polygamy, so there might be a cultural basis for a return. If you could prove it was traditional indigenous practice you could probably even get government assistance!

    Sorry to rave about Australia all the time, it is just that we, and many other millions, are a long way from Zion, and dint seem to have figured in gods plan, and it is great when you can enlighten me. Can Pratt receive direct revelations? If so, please can he pray for one regarding us.

    Thanks always,

    Melissa xx

  3. HoneyDawn, can you get Pratt to fix your website?? Your "Recent Comments" section appears to be broken!

  4. Duane (Im WAY glad you made up that CUTE name!) I was thinking the gentile folk down in Texas were all mean and presecuting all the polygamy folk, and here YOU are being WAY sweet about us! And your a real SPECIAL gentile knowing all that stuff about the FLDS! I never met a gentile knowing so much polygamy stuff before. Its unblievable how much your knowing!!
    And I know your trying to be REAl nice to me, but what Im writings not funny, like you said. I think you need to be knowing our lifes serious.

  5. Melissa, me and Pratt are pretty sure now the brown guys down there ARE Lamanites. Same as the red indians. We need to find out about the white gals being married off to the indians cos we're not sure about it.
    Pratt gets revelations - but only for our family - thats the girls hes going to marry to. He cant get revelation for folk outside - thats down to the prophet.

  6. Everybody Im REAL sorry about the comments being broken on my page. Pratt took a look at it and he says everybody writing there blogs on Blogger is ghaving the same problem. THey take WAY long to fix stuff!

  7. Honey Dawn,
    DNA Testing has revealed that there is no evidence that Australian aborigines and native Americans are related. You may want to check again on this with Pratt.
    Blessings -

  8. Honey Dawn,
    Why do you need Pratt to be your Priesthood Holder? Can't you be a "priest" as well ?

  9. HoneyDawn, if I were you I would consider anything Duane says about the FLDS to be highly suspect. You see, he isn't one of them. So he can't possibly know why some children stayed back in Short Creek or what they thought or felt. Also, (I hate to have to tell you this) Duane has actually been caught posting lies on other blogs. Sometimes he has even changed his login name or posted as "anonymous" to post his lies. I don't know why he does this but it makes me not trust anything he says. I just wanted to warn you too. (Sorry to have to post something so negative on your blog. It's always so cheerful and positive!)

  10. That's funny Rebeckah...I was just laughing heartilly [to myself] that duane has found a new happy home in which to spin his tales. Honey Dawn, be careful what you wish for if you take duane on as a 'friend and ally'. He pretends he knows alot of stuff...and he doesn't.
    Be careful....


  11. "Golly you fundie mormons are so much like us gentiles.


    You date your step kids too?

    OK that was mean and totally not called for!

    I know Pratt isnt Honeydawns stepdad!


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!