Monday, December 7, 2009

Who got the polygamy authoritey?

With the comments box being broken, maybe I should be letting you know whose been writing letters and where to find them, but most of my friends have been writing real good letters in the last couple of days.

Annonymous Duane wrote a real long letter to me on "DNA - Lehis jeans got lost last Saturday. Hi again Duane! I dont know why your writing all that stuff on the Lehis jeans page. There was a lot of stuff we're not talking about, but some of it was real intresting and Pratt and us gals got talking about it some, last night. (Pratt didnt say about Duane and the blog-of COURSE)

 You know how I was saying about LDS Mormons getting mad cos gentiles think there still doing polygamy and there not? Thats cos the folk out in the world get all mixed up about names - FLDS and LDS. Its kinda like that about polygamy groups to. Folk in Babylon are thinking there ALL FLDS and there all following the prophet Warren and there NOT, so the other groups get mad about it. Some of them have there OWN prophets and there not marrying real young (not anymore anyways) but evrybody THINKS they are (at least, one groups marrying brothers and sisters and cousins but Im not going into that).

Theres something called AUTHORITEY and thats the BIG diffrence in the groups!! Guys cant just be SAYING there prophets! (Well SOME do, specially if there saying there the One Mighty and Strong!- Ill talk about it sometime) Most groups have bunches of stuff the same, like I said before- Joseph Smith and the scriptures and polygamy and United Order, but the BIG diffrence is AUTHORITEY! Unless your Independants, you need authoritey to be doing stuff like taking wives.

Pratt says bunches of groups were starting up after the Manifesto in 1890 when the LDS Mormon prophet Wilford Woodruf said NO MORE POLYGAMY! (That was mostly to keep the goverment away, but then a lot of LDS guys and gals LIKED the no polygamy idea so it stuck) God knew it was gonna happen so he gave some guys authoritey to keep doing polygamy cos its WAY important to god.  Pratt says the reason there all these polygamy groups is cos guys are arguing over who got the authoritey and there mostly calling each other apostates.

Im WAY glad we're in the true group. Pratt did some testifying about it and then we got back to talking again. Im with Duane about it being MEAN for those nosey gentiles wanting to say stuff about Warren and his cute little wives. AND even if Warrens doing it, its not like EVERYBODY'S doing it in the FLDS, so even if gentiles are saying its wrong they cant be blaming ALL the FLDS!

I should of known I only have to SAY something and Harmonee will be saying stuff to! I need to get Pratt to tell her to stop having different opinyons! Its WAY hurtful to me after the mean jealous sisterwives when I was in Heelaman's family. Our gals need to be knowing Im REAL sensitive, and be talking sweet to me. (Im WAY glad Pratts here to protect me) Anyways Harmonee says to me - "what planetre you from?" so I went - "whatdyou mean?" So then she goes - "Its one thing for grown ups making there choices, but what about the kids?" so I went - "what about the kids?"- then she says - "little gals dont need to be getting married, its not right!" Then she says - "AND your saying its WARRENS business and nobody should be presecuting the FLDS over it. Just who do you THINK gives those little gals to him?" I said "they say god does!" "No!" she says, "its not GOD, its there PARENTS! Warren wouldnt be getting them if there parents werent GIVING them! Parents need to be PROTECTING there children!" So then I was telling her that theres THOUSANDS of FLDS and you cant be blaming them ALL for just SOME folks doings. Then she starts up again "Who supports Warren as the prophet?" So I said "the FLDS". She says "Exactly!". I didnt know what THAT was supposed to mean, so I just looked at her and then she says "if your supporting a guy whose doing bad stuff and your saying hes the prophet and keep listening to him, then it IS your fault!" Then Pratt says its  time for singing a hym and he had me sing "Love at Home". Its his favrite and he LOVES my sweet singing voice. I sing real soft, so it makes everbody be quiet to listen.

I dont think folk should be criticising there prophet cos thats saying bad stuff about "the lords anointid" and all temple polygamists and even the LDS Mormons get to make a real SERIOUS promise NOT to do it! If we ARE criticising him we get danged to heck, (and thats NOT the telestial kingdom - its out with the devil and all the evil spirits in a dark nasty place, and then we get to be BUFFETED by them!!!!) NOBODY wants it happening to them, so they all support there prophets,(unless they go apostate and try and leave, but that can be bad if your famlies not backing you up and gets taken away and your home to.)

All the other stuff Duane - we didnt get to talking about it and anyways we're not really knowing much about it but your right, folk need to be keeping there homes.

Thats all I have to say about that.


  1. Hey there Honey Dawn!
    I think I am going to make my own Scriptural book.
    I think I will require a man to marry a woman with at least 6 other husbands in order for the man to get to the Celestial Kingdom. A man can't get to the Celestial Kingdom without a "Priestess Holder", you know.
    In my new religion, the woman will get to sit home, with her feet up,eating bon bons, watching soap operas all day, while those 7 men work real hard to support her ! Then we can put the seven men on a rotation schedule, with each man in his own trailer.
    Sounds great, doesn't it ?
    Would you want to join up for my new religion ?
    You can take Pratt with you, and get six new husbands too !!

  2. Hey Honey Dawn,
    Who is this cute little child bride in the photo?

  3. you really believe that people don't know that you are all fake,God if stupidity could kill!!!!!

  4. Hi Catwhisperer! I dont know if itd be OK. I know some of Joseph Smiths wives were with two guys at once but Im not hearing about it happening now. The other thing is where would you be finding the guys wanting to live in trailers and take it in turn with there nights? No guy would be wanting that so I dont think Pratt would join with me. Anyways I dont want to be mean, but you cant be prophet cos your a girl!

  5. Oh and bout the little gal catwhisperer - I dont know who she is but shes sure cute.

  6. Annonymous, December 7, 2009 11:16 AM
    Pratt was going to take off your letter cos he wasnt liking the word you used, but he said we need to let people see how we're getting presecuted for writing the truth. It made me cry some, but Pratt said to be brave about it.

  7. honeydawn

    sorry for gettin's off topic. I guess I replyed on the wrongs article.
    it's not a crime for people to support a person and consider them their "prophet" no matter what others think of him. If me and mys wifey decide tomorrow to hang pictures of warren jeffs on our wall and wear flds attire, unless theres some new law that I don't know about that makes it illegal to support prophets deemed "unfit" by the state, that won't make us criminals.

    The state knows the parents of those underage daughters so whether they choose to prosecute or not, it is out of our hands.

    your bestest buddie


  8. @ Anon 11:16 AM :

    Come now, this is not fake. Honey Dawn is real and smart too!!!!
    This is as real as any other "polyblog" out there !!!

    I sure would like to sign up for Catwhisperer's New Religion !!!

    I want 7 husbands too !!!
    That must be the road to the Celestial Kingdom !!!

    Sure a woman can be a prophetess - wasn't there a prophetess named Deborah in the Bible ?

    Maybe the catwhisperer is a prophet like Deborah - you never know !!!!

  9. Hey Anonymous 11:16 am :
    You are an anti - polygamy religious bigot for treating Honey Dawn this way !!!
    You are persecuting her due to her religious belief in polygamy.
    Please try to be more tolerant.

  10. Hi Duaneh! Your name got changed! Its still cute! You are SO right! COURSE you can be hanging Warrens pic on the wall and wearing those dresses if you want Duaneh, and nobody can be stopping you cos this is the USA!!! And NO WAY your criminal if you keep on getting behind those guys marrying little gals! I dont care WHAT Harmonees saying about it!

  11. You're right, HoneyDawn. Of course if he decides to marry an underage girl himself, then he WOULD be a criminal -- and if the state wanted to prosecute her mother and father too there'd be grounds for that -- and possibly the person who performed the illegal ceremony. It all depends on the laws of the state you're in.

  12. "you really believe that people don't know that you are all fake,God if stupidity could kill!!!!!"

    Why do you want to persecute HoneyDawn like this? You know, your hatred of her PROVES that she true and right, don't you? If it wasn't real it wouldn't make you so angry.

    Keep up the good work, HoneyDawn! Don't let the haters and bigots get you down.

  13. That's right Honey Dawn !
    Anonymous 11:16 AM is nothing but a religious bigot and a hater.
    This person just hates to see a poly woman who is happy and righteous like you.
    You go girl!
    Continue to tell your story of happy polygamy, and shove it right down their bigoted throats!!!

  14. Honey Dawn,
    I love to read your personal thoughts about polygamy, your faith, and your happy family.
    It is a shame that anonymous 11:16 AM is a hater and a bigot, as well as being a coward for not signing her real name.
    People like anonymous 11:16 am are trolls, and the psychology of trolls indeed defies explanation. These trolls are
    very much like the cowards who scrawl graffiti on buildings, anonymous cowards who have no real life of their own. They seem to get their kicks from spoiling what others have.
    It is this kind of caveman mentality which prevents them from trying to uplift themselves, and they would rather wallow in their own sewage than take the effort to raise themselves up out of the sewers. In short, anonymous 11:16 AM the troll
    is too afraid of you and what you represent.

  15. My feeling on why anonymous 1:16 AM is so negative is because she is insecure about herself and her own life. She is unhappy about her own life and feels everyone else should be in the same boat with her. When she finds that someone like you is living out their dream and is happy, she just can't stand it and she lashes out to try to bring you down to her level.

    Do your best to ignore those who try to discredit you and relish those who uplift you. Hang in there my dear and be strong.

  16. I've only started following your blog recently. Anyone who lashes out at you for posting your personal thoughts and feelings is simply an insensitive, immature lout who cannot claim to understand the Book of Mormon or God's will, because they are clumsily stomping all over it, as seen by their words and actions.

    These are sad times we live in, when many people don't know why they believe what they believe, and let others do their thinking for them. They try to hurt anyone with a different viewpoint, and that's simply tragic.

    Please never stop sharing and being who you are!

  17. Where do I sign up for catwhisperer's new religion?


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!