Happy Sabbath everybody, specially to the new folk, Stamp and JamInn! They were asking about the happy FLDS pics I put up yesterday cos they were thinking I might of got it wrong and maybe it wasnt wedding anniversary pics after all. You COULD be right, cos it just says anniversary!!! So it could be the anniversary of a BUNCH of things. (Pratt is usually checking but he was WAY busy yesterday.) Im not thinking its a prom picture though cos I dont think FLDS are doing dances any more?
Keeping Sweet was asking about getting married and if FLDS gals get to choose there husbands? No way! They get PLACED! The prophet is doing that for them, cos he says god knows WAY better than they do. Whose gonna be choosing best - some little gal or god? Duh! SO god is telling the prophet who needs to be marrying who, then the prophet gets the gals brought around for the marrying. God usually likes to spring it on them, cos they dont get a lot of notice sometimes, it could be that day.
A heap of the other polygamy groups let the guys do there own picking. They get there own revelation about which gals to be marrying. That works pretty OK except for when a bunch of guys are getting a revelation about the same gal. That can be tricky. Then its pretty much which guy gets to the gals parents first and puts dibs on her. She can say no about it in some groups, so then she'll wait for another guy to get the revelation. Parents can help out some by doing match making about it.
Some groups like the AUB group that split from the FLDS get the guys to ask the prophet if they can be courting, so they dont get revelations if he says no. If they DO get revelations and do courting without the prophet saying OK then there in trouble.
This is a real big question so I need to be talking about it tomorrow. You know what a busy day it is! I DID find a tape of the FLDS prophet warren talking to the young kids about marrying (he's the cute guy in yesterday's pics celebrating with the little gal) Its real interesting. Here's the link so you can hear it straight from him http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fbudqrmFSDs
OK thats all now about that. I need to tell you about yesterday before I get rushing around today. I went over to Sariah's trailer for a while to see if shed been writing anything from Pratts testifying and talks, so I could put it in the little red book Im making for him (Thoughts of Husband Pratt - remember?) It took awhiles cos she had to get out a bunch of boxes and go through them. Then we got talking and then we had lunch, so I got back late in the afternoon.
Harmonee was over with LiaHona and it was real messy from the kids being there. (Even when its a sacrifice to have LiaHona and her kids with me Im WAY grateful for the opportunity of being a blessing to them) LiaHona and Harmonee had been playing cards again cos I saw the pack out. Anyways it was Ok till supper time and it was my turn to be cooking, but when I opened the cabinets to start, I couldnt find ONE thing!!!! Everything was in different places. I asked LiaHona what was going on, but Harmonee answered and said it was LiaHona's home to now, and she needed to have at least SOME say in how things are in the house! I said it was kinda rude to do it without asking but LiaHona pipes up and says she did ask! Well I dont remember her saying anything. Harmonee said its cos I dont listen to her. RUDE!!!
Im glad about my sweet nature and gentleness. I didnt say anymore about it. Pratts with me tonight and I just hope I can NOT show how hurt I am by things like this!!! Pratt says I have a lot of healing to do from my first marriage, with Heelamans wives being WAY jealous of me and real mean to!!!!
This is a WAY blessed life!Today we'll be hearing the words of the bretheren, showing us the way to make our life even more heavenly!!!
Good Sabbath to you, Honey Dawn!
ReplyDeleteHow do you celebrate Joseph Smith's birthday ? (December 23rd, I think)
Hi HoneyDawn,
ReplyDeleteI always love hearing more about your family. Thankyou.
I know you said your group doesn't practice really young marraiges, but didn't you say you were 16 when you married Heeleman? You say the other wives were very jealous, and I imagine it would be difficult adjusting to the lifestyle and expectations of a much older man, does this give you empathy and help
you guide Celestial Rainbow now you are one of the older wives yourself? I would love to hear more about your early life and first marraige.
Good luck with "thoughts of husband Pratt", and also with Poly Pre Teen. Maybe getting Celestial Rainbow involved in the magazine would give her more focus til she gets blessed with a baby.
I read in yesterdays comments that Duane was saying that people hate and despise you. I thought he was really rude to be saying that, and I just wanted to let you know that I think you are wonderful, and I appreciate you taking the tome to share your blessings with all of us in the world.
Melissa xx
Aaww thanks Melissa! I DID get married when I was 16 but Heelaman said it was OK with the law back then. You can still get married now in Utah when your 16 if your parents say its OK; 15 even if you go to court about it but I dont think the court would be saying yes for a polygamy marriage. Ill probably be talking some more about marrying and young wives.
ReplyDeleteHi Keeping Sweet Ill let you know about that come Decemer 23rd
Blessings !
thanks Honey Dawn ! Yay!
ReplyDeleteI am your biggest fan !
We all love you, don't you mind what Duane says now.