Thursday, January 7, 2010

Blood atonement and cute crafts.

Im WAY glad about all my friends writing real nice letters. Im not understanding SOME folk and what there saying - I mean - Pratt and me let THEM say what they want, so why dont they want us writing OUR stuff? Like Melissa was saying, what was I writing thats not true? Im thinking its a guy saying he can know our IP address - thats OK, but if he finds it out - whats he going to be doing THEN? I think Rebeckahs right - its not some gentile. Im thinking its somebody from another group being mean!!! Thats not keeping sweet at ALL!!! Maybe its cus Im not believing in THERE prophet? I dont know - Im wishing they would be saying more so we know what its all about?

Anyways, Im not going to be thinking about it to much, cus all my friendsve been writing in with WAY cute craft ideas (on top of the tote bags and figurines) I MIGHT be making something for Chastitees baby. Shes due in May with her 13th. Even if I AM knowing thru the spirit, what she's having, I think Ill be making it in white, cus that looks cute on boys and girls and there looking more like little angels, in white. Weve got our own midwives and sometimes Im helping out if there real busy. A lot of us're not going much to hospitals cus of having to tell them stuff about our familys, but some gals wont do that and want there babies in hospital (not to many though cus it costs more money and not to many familys get insurance)

Going back to what I was saying about blood atonement, there was some real BAD stuff going on back in the 70s with the LeBaron group. They were saying THEY got the authoritey and all the other groups had to be listening to THEM!!! It got WAY bad and they sent some gal to shoot the leader of the AUB. After they murdered him evrybody was scared. The new AUB leader got told by the cops to be carrying a gun around with him! Im not really knowing why they were calling that blood atonement cus it sounds just like killing to me. (Maybe its like those folk from Arkansas getting blood atoned at Mountain Meadows cus some mormon guys were thinking they had to kill them cus of there venjeance promises?) Most times blood atonements when you do something REAL bad, like adultry, (after your being married forever) then YOUVE got to be paying for it yourself, by getting your blood spilt. I dont THINK any groupsre doing it now (apart from the LeBarons and some Lafferty guys thatre not around now), but I think it WAS being done when Brigham was around, cus then the mormon church was pretty much the LAW in Utah (not SO much now) Its REAL hard to be explaining, so Ill probally say more tomorrow.

Thanks for reading.


  1. HoneyDawn: Jon Krakauer wrote a real interesting book about the Lafferty brothers called "Under the Banner of Heaven." Those brothers were following this guy name prophet Onias who was mad at the regular LDS church because they weren't believing in plural marriage any more (sheesh, there sure seems to be a lot of men who get mad at the LDS for that reason)

    Anyway, Ron Lafferty was getting lots of revelations straight from God, and God told him to kill Brenda Lafferty and her baby and a couple of other people.

    Now why would God tell someone to kill a baby? That can't be right. I'm thinking some of these "prophets" and their alleged revelations aren't on the up and up.

  2. Hi Honey Dawn,S
    Sorry you are being subjected to this again by Paul/Reality.
    There are some cruel people out there.
    I was wondering if you do quilt at all.
    I am a quilter and I create comfort quilts for military veterans who have been injured in Iraq and Afghanistan.
    Is anyone in your group in the military?
    Anonymous MD

  3. I wouldn't worry about the mean posters, HD. Everyone knows that those who mock the Lord and his teachings, in the end, cry more than they laughed. (then again, you don't want creating your own blog to backfire on you) wouldn't you agree?

  4. WC Im defnitley NOT mocking God. God is over all of us.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!