Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Scarey Blog warnings!

Im real happy cus I got some great craft ideas from my friends yesterday, so as soon as I can Im going to town to get some supplies!! I got a few dollars from folk clicking on my ads, so I can get started with the Joseph Smith wives figurines. Ill probally be doing them just one at a time till I get more money.

Folkre sometimes wondering why Pratt and me're not saying much about where we're living and what group we are, but its probally best we're not saying, not just cus we dont want folk not reading if there in diffrent groups, but cus Pratt says theres scarey guys out there to. We got some letters from a guy called Reality whoes warning us we're being "monitored" and we need to be watching out! He says
"Just be careful, your blog has been reported and is now monitored."

We're not really knowing what thats meaning, but Realitys not sounding like hes being nice like my other friends writing letters!!  Im still not sure what Realitys not liking about my blog??? Im just writing about things I know. Ive been in polygamy for bunches of years, so I SHOULD know what Im writing about!

Pratt says he hopes Realitys not one of those blood atonement guys!! Thats something we might be writing about some day. Our groups not doing it, but one day when the kingdom of gods back, then itll be the law again. Right now, its only the crazy guys doing it and there REAL scarey!!! What group are you in Reality - its not the LeBarons is it?

Im glad we get mostly nice folk writing in.


  1. Welcome to the wide, wonderful world of fundamentalist Mormonism. If you don't tow their party line,Honey Dawn, they will threaten you.


  2. The repetitive assaults on this blog by Gentiles are simply intolerable.
    Reality and his or her friends need to be reported to Blogger, not you, Honey Dawn.

  3. Chatelaine, I could be wrong, but I get the impression that "Reality" is not a Gentile. His/her ire seems to be with the idea that HoneyDawn is making fun of Fundamental Mormon beliefs. (Sorry, HoneyDawn, but I think that's what the person thinks.) So I imagine the threat is more of a Fundamental Mormon threatening someone than a gentile. I could be wrong, of course, but that's what it looks like to me.

  4. Honey Dawn,
    I cannot believe the constant barrage of abuse and vitriol heaped upon you due to your religious beliefs.
    Stand strong, Honey Dawn.
    I respect you, and your courage in the face of adversity.

  5. Reality sounds suspiciously like one of those anti polygamy nuts.


  6. Hey, don't blame the Gentiles! I'm a Gentile and I am enjoying this blog - it is very informative.

    Since I'm a Christian and not a Mormon, I don't agree with some of the religious stuff that Honey Dawn talks about - but that's OK, I won't be getting into her Heaven anyway, that's the one Joseph Smith is in charge of.

  7. lol, Blogger has confirmed that several commenters shared the same IP address has the author of this blog.
    What a farce...Get a life...


  8. Paul,
    Blogger did not reveal that several commenters had the same address as the author of this blog.
    That would be a violation of their policies.
    When someone does not agree with your opinions does not mean that you have a right to make up stories about them.
    Grow up.

  9. Are you saying that HoneyDawn is several different people Paul?

    I hope not, it's a big enough family to try to keep track of without HoneyDawn having multiple identities.

    But, even if, hypothetically, HoneyDawn is drawing on the experiences of many to write her blog (and she is quite open about the fact that much of what she writes is the opinion of Pratt, Harmonee, other family members and friends and family in other groups), what exactly has she ever written that was untrue, libel, or even malicious?

    I find the attacks on HoneyDawn and the slights upon her intelligence offensive. I think that any intelligent reader should be able to see that she is a sincere intelligent woman, with a defenite goal of educating the world about Fundamentalist Mormon lifestyles and spirituality, and that she has not wavered from that goal since starting this blog.

    Please don't let them scare you off HoneyDawn.

    Melissa xx

  10. "Reality sounds suspiciously like one of those anti polygamy nuts."

    Funny, Al, I thought Reality sounded suspiciously like a PRO-polygamy nut -- you know, the kind who make it a sacred religious tenet and get their knickers in a twist if someone so much as smiles in their presence.

    Melissa, I think Paul is trying to claim that HoneyDawn is posting her own responses with sockpuppet accounts. Since I know a couple of the posters here from other blogs, I find Paul's rather neurotic suspicion amusing rather than believable. I wonder what his ID would trace back to? But I'm pretty sure that only system administrators or blog administrators can actually trace account IPs, so I rather suspect Paul is lying and trying to cause issues. Then again, I'm no computer expert, so maybe he thinks he knows what he's talking about...

  11. Where did "Reality" say that?

    Got link?

    I see A-li-n jumped a conclusion.

    Enought of those and he is a plural dude!

  12. Stamp said...
    Where did "Reality" say that?
    Got link?
    I see A-li-n jumped a conclusion.
    Enought of those and he is a plural dude!
    January 7, 2010 11:24 AM
    Hi Stamp, welcome to my blog! This guy Reality was writing 2 letters to me on my "Harmonees in Trouble" post on January 5th. Hes not being sweet at ALL!

  13. Sorry Honey Dawn, take em with a grain of salt.

    Warren made enough trouble for LE to last them a lifetime.

    IRT the LeBarons Lafferties, well, like you said those guys are dead or in prison. I think they were getting the wrong message and made up their own rules in their head, which can be dangerous.

    They harmed others and look at them now, they are in the CellOSteel Kingdom.


I just LOVE it when folk want to share there feelings, so just post what you want to say. Its AWESOME!!!