Monday, January 11, 2010

Celestial Rainbows new job

Pratt wants me to be spending some time looking in on Celestial Rainbow today. Remember Pratt was having her give up her job and stay home and take care of all  the babies, and the kids to young to be home schooled? I looked in on her last week and it was a mess - heaps of crying kids and some dipers needing to be changed. Im thinking, with 11 brothers and sisters youd be thinking shed be doing better? Chastitee didnt give her much training about how to be taking care of kids! My Serenity Fawn knew ALL about tending before she got married, and she only had the one twin brother. I probally need to to be teaching Celestial Rainbow myself cus she looked kinda panicky when I saw her. She didnt look to well either, so maybe theres a baby coming for her? Thatll be great and itll help her to settle more and start thinking about the stuff thats good, instead of gentile clothes and stuff like that. Im just hoping she wont be spending to much time talking to Harmonee and LiaHona, cus there not the best influince. We got talking about blood atoning yesterday and Harmonee was saying it was crazy doing all that stuff. She thinks the presthoods needing to be going to college and finding out about other countries if there going to be in charge of the planet. She says most guysre not even knowing about ANYTHING much outside Utah, so howre they going to run the earth? RUDE!!!! Pratt said  the guys dont NEED to be knowing anything - you just need to be getting the spirit! Hes right about it. I never needed college to do the stuff god wants me to be doing! 

Have an awesome Monday - oh, and thanks Melissa for telling us some Australyan words. I think Ill just be waiting to get the gift of tungues - itll be WAY easier. (nobody was knowing about what Andres was writing. I put it up again in the comments yesterday. I was thinking since Pratts got so much spirit he could be letting me know what it means, but he says the gift of tungues is for understanding what folk SAY when there talking words from outside the USA. He says youd need the urim and thummim for READING stuff and hes thinking moroni took that back with the gold plates, and anyways its only prophets using it, so thats no good)

1 comment:

  1. How many bubs is Celestial Rainbow taking care if? I know day care centres require a high ratio of caters to children in the pre school years, it may just be too much for one person. I still recall the few months all three of mine were in nappies (another word to add to your Australian language skills - it means diapers) with horror, and can't imagine caring for more than 3 under 4.

    I always love hearing about your domestic life, especially after all the nastiness you have been subjected to here lately.

    And I'm very glad to hear that Pratt is staying over again, I know that that makes you much happier.

    Melissa xx


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