Sunday, January 10, 2010

Our preisthood goverment and moroni and george washington.

Before Im forgetting, I got a letter yesterday, but Pratt and me didnt know what its  saying. We put it up in case anybodys knowing that languadge. Im thinking it could be from one of those Ayrab muslins, but Im not sure about it. SO if anybody can be working out what its saying, thatd be great!!! (but if its bad you probally shouldnt be saying)

Yesterday Melissa was writing she was reading about it not being to long before you wont be getting a US president without mormons voting for him. I dont know about it, but Utah gets more babies evry year than the other states in the US so it COULD be true. Melissas not worried about it cus shes living in Australia, but when the goverments falling HERE, it probally wont be long before its happening all over, even in Australia, cus the preisthood guysre going to be taking care of ALL the world!! Thats WAY great, youll all LOVE it!!!! (I was thinking maybe Melissa can be teaching us about how to be speaking austraylian, so our guys can teach you all when they get there, but Pratt says theyll get the gift of tungues, so they may not NEED to be learning austraylian) Oh, and Anon E Mouse was asking about women in goverment and colored folk to. We're NOT believing in that. Its the guys needing to be the leaders, cus thats there job. The women need to be doing other stuff like having babies and taking care of the kids and there home. They shouldnt be out doing stuff in the world like that. And about colored folk, Brigham Young said
"...I will not consent for one moment to have an African dictate me or any brethren with regard to church or state government..." 

so thats the answer about that. Most guysre not happy about Obama getting in but there saying its shows its getting close to the end!
I got a letter from "Muslim" who was liking the blood atonement thing. They were saying its WAY better to be paying for your sins BEFORE you die, than after. They were saying you need to be doing stoning for adultry. See, even SOME muslins know a heap better than some folk here in the USA. (Pratt says not a lot of muslinsre beliveing it here in America, so this one is more special) Bunchesve of christian folkre say about that bible story where the guys were going to be stoning that gal whod been doing adultry, and Jesus was saying, "let he who is without sin cast the first stone" and all the guys just walked away cus they were bad to. Then Jesus told her he was forgiving her, and not to be doing it again. Christian folkre saying Jesus paid for her sins, but there not knowing, when you get the truth and get high up in it, then YOU need to be paying for your sin YOURSELF, cus what Jesus did isnt covering it any more, so you need to get your blood spilt like Joseph and Brigham and the rest were saying! But I guess itll have to wait till the preisthoods ruling the planet. (Pratt thinks the blood atonement thing might be for EVRYBODY then, not just us folk in the true group)

The constituition of the USAs WAY important like I was saying yesterday, thats why its GOT to be saved by US. There was a REAL intresting story about a stranger who was around when they were writing it down, and he disappeared after!!!! Some folk were thinking he was one of those mason guys like George Washington, but some of our folkre thinking he was the prophet moroni come back (from the book of mormon)!!! THis guy liked writing to, like moroni did, and he had a big chest with books in it and he wasnt showing them to anybody, so maybe thats where he was keeping the book of mormon gold plates he took back from Joseph Smith after Joseph was translateing some of them?!!!!!! Pratt says this guy was giving a big talk when someve the guys were scared about signing that paper making USA free from those nasty English folk and there king!! He said it needed to be free, so they all put there names on it, and that was a good thing, cus now we're free and telling the rest of the world what to do!! (we're pretty MUCH free but theres still bad laws like about polygamy, but we can fix it later on)
Pratt found this place with more stuff about the moroni stranger - - but he says the folk writingre not knowing it was moroni - (so just be remembring it when your reading)

I guess thats all for now cus I need to be getting ready for meeting.


  1. Good Sabbath, Honey Dawn !

  2. So you want to know how to speak dinky di Aussie do you? Streuth, that's great and I hope your fair dinkum about it. If the end is coming you'll have to get to it and work on it flat out like a lizard drinkin'........

    Sorry, just my little joke that I couldn't resist, even though I know I'm probably the only one who will understand it. And I'm not to great at traditional Strayian myself, so it's a pretty poor attempt.

    Melissa xx

  3. I had no idea that the angel Moroni was involved in writing the constitution. Thanks for this illuminating information, Honey Dawn.
    I learn something new every day on your blog. Good Sabbath to you.

  4. Good sabbath to CW, Nelissa and Keeping Sweet!

  5. If it is written in arabic then I can translate it for you inshallah. You can post it on here or you can send it to my email address at

  6. Thanks anonnymous, thats real kind of you. Pratts thinking now it could be from China - AndresACastle said...

    January 9, 2010 6:27 AM

  7. There is a movie that will teach you to speak Straylian.

    "Crockoldile Dundee"

    I think the actor got stoned, though after the movie.


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