Saturday, January 9, 2010

Dont be going in the military cus the ends close!

Ive been getting bunchesve letters so Im not knowing if Ive been answering them all! Its been REAL hard this week, so its a good thing Pratt was sleeping over last night. Ive got a REAL sensative sole, so when folkre mean I need Pratt around!! He tells me to be brave about it, cus thats what happens when your telling the truth and living right. Hes WAY sweet to me when Im crying about stuff, and sometimes he sleeps over an extra night if Im real sad.

I cant remember who it was asking what, but some gals making quilts for guys in the military. Thats real nice of her. A coupla young unmarried guysre in our groupre in the military but not the married guys, cus they need to be around for there big famlies. Pratt did know a guy who was doing some secret military stuff, but when they found out he was starting up in polygamy they said he was breaking the law, so he couldnt be doing the secret stuff any more. He was mad about it, but he stayed on in the military doing ordinary stuff. Some folk dont much like the guys going in the military. They say whats happening to them if the war of Armegedon starts up and they get sent off to fight in it, and then get killed fighting on the wrong side? ?? Its all gonna collapse real soon! We were pretty much thinking itd all be ending by 2000, but now bunchesve folk are thinking it could be in 2012 when those Mayan guys put it on there calender. If thats right, then the guvernment could be collapsing before  then. Somebody was saying its scarey - but Pratt says not to be worrying to much about it cus the Priesthood guysll be taking over then and itll be WAY better for evrybody! Our guysre gonna be saving the constituition when its "hanging by a thred" like Joseph Smith said. The constituitions REAL important cus it came straight from god, and theres some good stories about it I could be telling you about when it got writen. Maybe even Moroni was there (from book of mormon times) Ill try to be telling about it tomorrow.


  1. Hi Honey Dawn,

    Speaking of the constition, I'm sure you know Joseph Smith wanted to be President of the United States. Wouldn't that have been interesting. Do you think he would have wanted to run the whole country like he ran Nauvoo - as a theocracy instead of a democracy?

    I wonder what the early Mormons would have thought about the government we have today, in which so many women and people of color are elected to public office.

    I live in Washington State, where we have a woman governor and both of our US senators are women. I'm sure, being a strong woman yourself, you would agree that women make excellent leaders in our society.

  2. Can anyone translate what Andres just wrote?

  3. I didn't know the constitution could be hanging on by a thread soon.
    The end is truly near, Honey Dawn.

  4. I am the quilter, Honey Dawn.
    Anonymous MD


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