CW was saying about some gals on the FLDS TEXAS blog making up there own new religion!!!!! Pratt was reading it to, and he was saying its pretty bad - there getting revalations of there OWN and there getting there own ranch and there haveing bunchesve of real young husbands!!! Thats sick!!! Pratt says he was reading it all, and its the kinda stuff Harmonee would be thinking was REAL funny (Harmonees got a real wierd sense of humor, shes always thinking stuffs funny when its NOT!!!)
Im thinking gals cant be doing that. First off some guysre saying gals NEVER get revalations from god, cus hes only doing that for men. He can be giveing ideas to the gals about being good mothers, but gods not giveing them prophet kinda revalation.
Pratt says its a dumb idea for gals haveing more than one husband. He says its natral for guys to be haveing more than one wife, and galsre not likeing that on account of all the lies they get told growing up, about love and all that romantick stuff!!! Pratt says if you just look at animals your seeing what god wants - look at deer and most other animals, the guy deer're not sticking with ONE gal deerl!!
Those 'FLDS TEXAS" blog galsve even got a NAME for there church - its the "First Church of the Holy Matriarchs of the WTF Ranch." !!!!! Im knowing the YFZ ranch letters were meaning "Yerning for Zion", but whats WTF?? Pratt doesnt want me reading about it cus he wants to be protecting me from evil stuff, but maybe you folk reading my blog can be looking at it so you can be seeing the diffrance between what THERE doing and the TRUE religion we're doing!!
LaBlessing was telling me yesterday she thinks Harmonees been letting LiaHona read some've those bad books she's got. (I dont know how shes doing it but LaBlessing always knows whats going on with ALL the folk in the comunity. She's real quiet, but theres nothing wrong with her ears and her eyes!) She says Harmonees been reading a book called "Rocky Mountain Saints" by a guy called Stenhouse and him and his wife Fanny were a coupla apostates!! Then theres another book she saw by a LDS guy called Compton and the name of that ones "In Sacred Loneliness" and its all about Joseph Smiths wives. (if its about Joseph Smith and his wives Im not knowing why thats a problam???) Pratt knows about it and he says hes not knowing why a LDS Mormon guy was writing stuff like it. Pratt says HE thinks it OK but hes not wanting us gals to be looking at it, and he says to be looking out and making sure the books're not in the house with LiaHona. If they ARE we'll be getting bad spirits. I was gonna check in LiaHona's room when she was out at work, but she's put a lock on her door! I think thats kinda rude - its like saying she thinks Im going in her room! I wouldnt WANT to be in her room if she wasnt following Harmonee! I need to be keeping the spirit in the home, so Ill see if I can get the door open (there could be another key somewhere)
Why would it be wrong for a woman to have multiple husbands if a man can have multiple wives ? Why would God arbitrarily decide a woman must share only one man, but a man can have as many wives as he wants ?
ReplyDeleteI believe that the religious texts which tell us that men have rights which women don't have is simply because men wrote those books.
Think about it.
HoneyDawn, other animals have one, monogamous mate for life -- like swans, eagles, and wolves. Doesn't that mean God likes monogamy?